Hope you had a good week; we sure did-
- We just got tons of shots and bloodwork done over the last few days. My left arm really hurts, but wow, the kids did great. The nurses went wild over their self-control and interest in watching all the medical stuff, even in the midst of their own pain... I think there is great value in teaching our kids to be realistic about pain (that it will hurt, but that we can get over it after the initial pain) and self-controlled in their reaction to it. We all benefit from a realistic perspective and a healthy dose of self-control, and docs and nurses greatly appreciate it from children!
We have officially moved into the phase with Moses where I feel like I'm constantly walking around following his every move. It seems like this doesn't normally start so early, but maybe I'm forgetting. These times really pass so quickly, and I'm thankful to know that, because otherwise, I might lose my mind or give in and not bother. :) But it's so worth it to help them learn the "norms" of a home. No, we don't pull random papers off of tables or countertops... we leave remote controls alone... we don't eat plants... we don't shove marbles in our mouths. :) These things take time, but it's so worth it.
Just to prove I don't always do this well, take a look at this picture to the right... Moses got up on a dining room chair and went nuts with a piece of jelly toast. :) He's a smart little sneaker.- Ethan made some corn muffins this week to go with dinner one night, and was so proud of himself. And I was proud of him too. This growing up stuff isn't always easy, and sometimes we get emotional about it as moms, but it's so awesome to see them take on projects and succeed!
- I'm LOVING the counseling class I'm taking... already, I can see how it is going to be helpful for me as a person, to sort through the issues of life more biblically and intentionally. It is so helpful to be challenged and encouraged in ways that contribute to spiritual growth as well as effectiveness within the Body of Christ.
- Having already asked on Facebook and on an internet message board, I might as well ask here-- any thoughts on a Kindle vs. just saving up for an iPad and using the Kindle app? And don't suggest the Nook- I know it's cheaper, but it's not good technology for overseas use, and I've heard that dozens of times over from ex-pat friends, so if I go with an e-reader, it's going to be one of these options. I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.
- I love this quote highlighting the importance of doing what needs doing NOW:
"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now." ~African Proverb
I think as Christian moms, trying to take care of so many different people, soul care is worthy of our time and attention. Have you been trying to "do it all" or be "Superwoman", not taking care of your own needs? There will come a time of burn-out unless we walk hand-in-hand with the Father, letting Him meet our needs as we reach out to love the people around us.Let me encourage you to make time to take care of the part of you that is eternal-- your soul. Nurture it through reading your Bible, spending time talking through your issues before the Father and with people within the Body of Christ too. Take time to learn and grow as a person made in the image of God. Don't just mindlessly walk through routines or assume a "role". Let God do His work in you; submit yourself to His beautiful sanctification! - Here's a great point I read recently, about the way we talk about the Old Testament law--
"We forget that the 'law of Moses' includes teachings like this: 'The LORD, the LORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness and faithfulness, Who keeps lovingkindness for thousands of generations..."
God is so good to us, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Sometimes we hear nonsense about the "God of the Old Testament" being different... but God is God. His holiness and judgment stand as they always have (which is why we are so thankful to and obedient toward Christ), and His love never ends.
You can check out more "7 Quick Takes" @ Jennifer's Conversion Diary. Have a great weekend.
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