Pinterest Love

Happy July!

Can you believe July 4th is just around the corner?! This summer is flying on by!

Have you visited pinterest yet? If you haven't yet, then I'm warning you that it's another computer addiction that will add to your daily blog reading.

Pinterest is literally 1000's of ideas, photos, recipes, inspirational quotes, style...the list goes on and on. You can leisurely look around at the main categories or if you have something in mind that you're looking for then you can type it in the search box. So much easier than looking for an image on google.

Once you find images you like, you can save them onto your own "page" in categories that you have made. Each picture provides a webpage where the picture/tutorial/recipe was grabbed from. So convenient for us bloggers when use a picture and can attach the source PLUS so much easier to save future projects we would like to do.

Here are just a sample of the fun photos, projects, recipes and inspiration that I have found:

My Home
1.Courthouse Rock in Western Nebraska from Journey of Light Photography
2. Old Barn in Southeast Nebraska from Flickr 
This barn is actually just down the road from my hometown.
3. i heart nebraska necklace from Etsy-truche
4. Memorial Stadium from Huskers Gameday

1. Tin Fence Photo from Emily Avila
2. Backyard Scrabble from Sunset
3. Pretty Outdoor Living image from Belle Inspirations
4. Lovely Tablescape from Cedar Hill Ranch

1. YUM! Stars and Stripes Pie from A Lady's Findings
2. Americana Centerpiece from Better Homes and Gardens
3. Outdoor Americana from Country Living

As of now, you can only have a Pinterest account by invitation only. If you would like an invite let me know. All I need is your email address.

If you are on Pinterest, come on by and follow MY PAGE.

Have a great 4th of July weekend!

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