Beautiful Pond and My Kids Have Names!

Last Wednesday we took a couple days off and went up to my brother/sil’s place. I have shown you photos of their place before - it’s so peaceful up there in the woods.
Well he has a run off pond (from the air con and heat) next to the house that he  has been working on (playing with) since they built the house and I do think he has it almost perfect now.
Some of the liner is showing because the water level is a bit low but it’s still beautiful just the same.
But here’s a few photos of my brother’s pond.

I posted this Cupola last Fall just after he found it and wasn’t sure what he was going to do with it…..
Coupla 2_thumb[3]
Coupla 1_thumb[7]

Well this is where it ended up…

Pond 3

Vent 1

Pond 2

Genes Pond 5

Genes Pond 4 

Genes Pond 2

Genes Pond 3

Pond from Window 
Hope you enjoyed!

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We also went into Wisconsin Rapids and did some Prim shopping – found the shop I’ve wanted to go to since she opened…COUNTRY FRECKLES…oh yes – a treasure!
My next post will showcase her place so be watching.
But I did find a few treasures that day.
A Pewter Creamer/Sugar set
more Pewter pieces – not matching

Some Wool to start my ‘real’ looking Penny Rug…and a hooked rug project


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Finally after 4 years of just being ‘waifs’ they are named and I have to thank each and every one of you for joining in on this wonderful ‘game’.

I loved them all and if I put them all out in front of me I just could not pick…so thank goodness for the RANDOM PICKER GENERATOR.

“Random numbers generated Jul 11 2011 at 8:12:3 by 
Free educational resources for parapsychology, psychical research & mind magic.
Min:  1
Max:  41

And so the lucky winner is:
Robyn~Primlish said…
Oh, Marie did such a great job! I really love them!
My choice for names are Oliver and Olivia. What cuties!
Tuesday, July 05, 2011 7:42:00 PM

Named Dolls

Congratulations Robyn…I’m so happy for you and my ‘kids’. They now have some wonderful names that suit them quite well.

Your gifts will be coming along just as soon as I get your mailing information.

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED…it was fun for me reading all those wonderful names….wish they could have many sets of names because you all would be winners.

Thanks for visiting – it’s a rainy/stormy morning here so doing my blog was a bright spot.


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