Rainy Monday – Cleaning!

Gosh, we just can’t catch a break here in good ole Wisconsin. You get one or two days that are absolutely gorgeous and then ‘crap’.
It’s so gloomy and raining but supposed to clear up but that doesn’t make for a good start to a Monday morning. One wants to wake up bright eyed and raring to go…not today so far.


Saturday was a day of running around getting groceries and odds and ends errands.
Yesterday we cleared out the screen room and cleaned it from top to bottom.
The weather hasn’t been such that we could do that up until now.

We moved the furniture out into the driveway and I scrubbed and hosed it and cleaned all the cushions while he did the inside.
But after he was finished I noticed the Porcelain tile on the floor was very streaky so I took a wet cloth and ran over a spot and it looked like nothing was done.

This was mainly due to the fact that there was so much Pollen in that room from early Spring and it was in every nook and cranny and then the humidity didn’t help any with it plastering itself to the floor…well, it wasn’t all that bad as I’m making it sound but it did streak so I got down on my hands and knees and did a double rinse from section to section.

Screen room 1

Screen room 2

I’m hurting today needless to say. It didn’t do my discs/hips any good but when things need to be done you just do it.


We also picked up our flowers that were being held for us at the greenhouse. We picked out the flowers several weeks ago and they planted them in our pots and gave them a good start in the controlled climate. We had 4 of them planted and they did a good job as usual.
Yard 3

Yard 4 

Yard 2 

Well I finally heard from the Pain Clinic and I get the RF Procedure on the 21st – I’m so looking forward to it and hopefully I will be somewhat pain free at least for a longer period of time than what the shots did for me.


I have had so much trouble with pages loading using Internet Explorer and last week my tech told me to use Google Chrome and so I am – amazing what a difference it made.
Everything loads with a click instantly..no more waiting for it to ‘think’ so if you are having IE sluggishness then switch to Google Chrome for your browser – you will see a huge difference.

Enjoy your day and week!


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