Kids Job Charts

Nagging at my kids...especially my 7 year old to do his chores everyday was getting old for me and him! LOL So I thought of an easy solution to start the DAY after school ended.

To make my job charts pretty, I painted a couple garage sale frames with my boys' favorite colors: Blue and Red. I sanded down the edges and added a little stain...surprise, surprise

I printed out their lists. The glass of the frame makes it perfect for dry erase markers.

The list looks long but 1/2 of it has just the basic morning routine stuff like: brush teeth, comb hair, wash face, vitamin, make bed...I don't know if it's just my son or the boy in him but I'm constantly reminding him of these simple tasks.

When he does a task then he check marks the task. The major thing about this chart is that ALL these tasks need to be done by 9:00 am! He can get these done eventually...but it might be noon or LATER before he gets around to them! So the time limit was a BIG thing when planning these charts.

Besides the basic morning tasks, he also has a daily chore that involves more "work" and time. I've kept them simple since he's only 7.

After he completes all of his chores AND before 9:00 am, he writes a PLUS sign (+) on the correct day on the calendar. IF he doesn't complete all the chores then he will have to write a MINUS sign (-). If he doesn't finish all of his chores by 9:00 am, he still needs to complete them ASAP.

At the end of each month we will tally how many +'s and -'s he has. He gets a certain $ amount for each day and if there are any -'s then I will subtract from that amount.

For my almost 4 year old, I used Big Font and pictures to make it more playful. He enjoys "helping" me out and does all of these with very little or no help.

We are 1 week into our "summer" and I can happily say that this system has worked great for us!! My son gets it all done by 8:00 am most days! I think the best idea was the time limit. There is absolutely no nagging anymore on my part.

Hopefully this will flow great throughout the summer. Then my next plan will be a smoother transition into before and after school tasks/chores this fall.

Got a Job system that works great for your kids? I would love to hear about it!

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