When one door closes…


I first started this blog because we were planning on building a home, and I wanted to document the process.  But those plans fell by the wayside, and we assumed we’d be in our current home for several more years.  We were *so sure* we’d be staying that we used up all of the collected items (intended for the new house) on this house instead.  Like our front door.  And our laundry sink.  And the bathroom sink and legs.  And the fireplace mantel.  Plus more…


Oh yes, remember this?  It wasn’t so long ago was it?  It’s evidence that we were not planning on moving when we built in this little desk nook!  It’s now turned into this:


We had to cover it up for resale.  Not everyone has the need for a pint sized built-in desk after all.  This old door came out of a friend’s barn.  People will either love or hate it.  Which might not be good for resale either though.  Hmm. 

So the scoop is that we found a fixer upper in a great location, and we’re going for it! 


It’s a farmhouse built in 1930.  One would think it would be oozing with charm inside but not so.  Throughout the years, it’s gone through much “renovation” which we fully intend to undo.  Surely there are treasures to be found underneath all the layers.  Let’s hope!


There is a sheep and horse farm next door so we can pretend it’s ours but without the labor. ;)  Perfect. 


We thought we’d be transitioning back to suburbia for our next house, but it wasn’t meant to be.  Country living has gotten into our bones at this point, and we’re embracing its benefits. 

In a few days I’ll be participating in the Parade of Homes tour that’s being hosted by A Bowl Full of Lemons.  It will be a nice way to exit one door while entering another.  I hope you’ll come along!

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