Flowers, Kids, 3-D, Shots and gifts

Hi all,

Been a busy day here. We packed a lot into one day -

First I want to share my Easter Flowers…I had purchased a Pink Tulip plant for my Aunt for Easter.
It was 7 inches tall when I bought it on Tuesday and by Friday it was 14 inches and all buds had blossomed out – so I just didn’t want to give her a plant that was almost finished. Amazing what 3 days did to this plant. (we ended up giving her some wonderful ‘truffle’ candy – and she loved it)
Our son and daughter in-law brought a Daffodil plant on Easter
Took this on Tuesday after Easter
Easter Flowers 
So today I planted them in the gardens. I should have separated the bulbs but I didn’t  want to aggravate my back and hips by bending and kneeling for too long….so they will get a good start in the ground this Summer and then late Fall I can split them up.

Emily and Joe were here for their last day of Easter break and I felt bad because most of the morning was taken up with big people stuff.

They had to go over to the hospital with me and wait while I had another SI joint injection – yes, it’s back good and strong again!
But before I had the shot the Neurologist spoke with Doug and I about me to getting the RF treatment (Radio Frequency – Nerve Ablation). They will zap (burn) the nerve endings in the hopes that the pain stays away longer than with the shots. So hopefully in 2-3 weeks I’ll have that procedure.

Took them to lunch right after the shot, came home and the kids watched a 3-D movie – (yes…he broke down and yesterday he bought the 3-D glasses, 3-D Blue-Ray player).
I’m not real impressed with 3-D but it’s part of the TV even if we never use it.
Em and Joe TV 
The movie was about the Ocean – not too pretty looking without glasses
- but you can see double exposure – this is something built in the sand.
3-D TV

I’m very slow with my Rug Hooking project. I ran out of background green and was going to buy some more but I checked in my big tote of colors and found a very large bunch almost the same green so I’m mixing them and you can’t even tell the difference…but I like the variegated look.
And I like the design as well…it’s going on my black Windsor chair and I think I might purchase another one for my other chair.
Chair Pad Rug Hook

I had the most wonderful surprise in the mail today…a package from Jen Taylor
( )
How she found the time with all that has been happening with her family/extended family is beyond me. She’s such a dear friend and so talented.
Just look at these beautiful Pillow Tucks with HER OWN DESIGNS and filled with the most aromatic ‘Lavender’.  THANK YOU JEN!
Jens gift

I also took my flower pots over to the garden center and picked out plants – they will do the work and keep them until the 3rd week of May so they get a good start in the greenhouse. Last year I did my own and they just didn’t have the ‘look’ that they do.

I’ll leave you with this picture of my two kitties sunning themselves in the doorway today – such a life! If it wasn’t for the sun you would NEVER see them this close…EVER!!!
Baby and Lola sunning

Hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend.


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