Terrific Under Ten Tuesday #6

Update: Someone has a blog crush on At Home With K. Go check it out over at Ma Nouvelle Mode!

We have this plain wood cabinet that serves as our pantry in the kitchen.

It's nothing special and it serves it's purpose. I debated back and forth to paint it or not. But I kind of like not having everything painted in my house. LOL So I left it alone.

Hobby Lobby had 1/2 off knobs last week. So I grabbed a fun pair for $1.50 each to add a little Bling to the piece.

They are cute close up with a nice crackle finish. So much better than the wood knobs it had before.

An easy update for $3!

Now it's time for YOU to link up to Terrific Under Ten Tuesday!

Here are a few "rules":
*Please be a follower of my blog.
*Your project must be made or bought for $10 or less.
*Please do not link up Online Shops or Giveaways.
*You can link up to 3 projects. (They don't have to be new. Look in your past posts and pick out some favorites to share.)

*Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog.
*Add the Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays button to the bottom of your post, side bar, or to your linky party list.

At Home With K
The linky party will be open for 2 days. Then I will feature some favorites on Friday!
*By linking up, you give me the permission to use your photo(s) from your post on Feature Friday.

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