Terrific Under Ten Tuesday #4

Good Morning!
It's time for Terrific Under Ten Tuesday!

For my fun find under $10, I wanted to share my Dollar Tree bargain.

A couple of our nice bowls that were given for a wedding gift are pretty cracked. We go through bowls like crazy around here with all of our cereal eating. LOL

So a couple weeks ago, my son and I ventured to Dollar Tree for a little browsing.

I was pleasantly surprised to find some pretty white bowls for yep, you guessed $1 each!

They have the prettiest detail. I have searched other department stores and bowls can be around $3 or more each. And they weren't as pretty as these either.

So I grabbed 4 and now I wish I would of grabbed 8. I think I'll have to make a trip this week. They are nice and big as well. Great for a nice big bowl of cereal. Or oatmeal and raisins which has been my favorite lately.

You just never know what you'll find at your next Dollar store visit. :)

Now it's your turn to link up to Terrific Under Ten Tuesday!

Here are a few "rules" in order for you to join in on the party:

*Please be a follower of my blog.

*Your project must be made or bought for $10 or less.
*Your project must be HOME related. For example a DIY project, craft, makeover, thrift find, recipe, kiddo activity, party ideas...you get the idea.

*Please do not link up Online Shops or Giveaways.
*You can link up to 3 projects. (They don't have to be new. Look in your past posts and pick out some favorites to share.)
*Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog. If you don't know how to do this, Not Just A Housewife provides a great "how to link up to a linky party tututorial" HERE.

*Add the Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays button to the bottom of your post, side bar, or to your linky party list.

At Home With K
The linky party will be open for 2 days. Then I will feature some favorites on Friday!
*By linking up, you give me the permission to use your photo(s) from your post on Feature Friday.
Please visit some links and show some comment love! Everyone loves comments!

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