Be Mine Bonanza: Day 4-Pom Pom Flowers

Hello Lovies!

My name is Michelle (Emerald Cove) and I just wanted to take a second to thank Kindra for hosting this wonderful Be Mine Bonanza and inviting me to participate!

I fell in love with this little craft the moment that I saw it in Country Living!

I love flowers, and since it is winter here and cold, I thought what a way to brighten up the house and have flowers that last!

Here is the inspiration picture from Country Living

These adorable little yarn flowers were pretty simple to make,
after I mastered the pom pom device.

The ones that I purchased came in two different sizes and you can get these anywhere such a Michaels, Hobby Lobby and JoAnns.

You probably only need the bigger one because you can trim the bigger size to make a smaller size if you want.

You start with the device (I don't know that technical term for it, I thought device was better than thingy which is what I call it) like this..

then wind the yarn around the two sides.
Tip: the thicker or more yarn you wind around that thicker the little pom pom will be.

you will then cut down the middle so the yarn looks like the above photo.

Tie a piece of yarn or string (I used yarn because it blends with the ball) around the center opening there, tie it tight.

Open up the arms and pull apart the device and there you have your little pom pom!

Next you want to gather some sticks from outside and some small vases.
I had these glass ones in my living room and after they were inspected,
I got the ok to use them! :)

You then just place your little pom pom onto the stick.
I had my glue ready to use but decided against it because the stick just slid into the middle, but you can use glue to make sure that they stay.

And there you have it!
A little pom pom flower!!

I arranged them in the glass vases and decorated the vases with some lace ribbon and a little metal "passion" sign.

You can add love labels on the vases as well.

Maybe a little
Love Potion #9!!

Simple, easy and only about $10.00 or so depending on if you have yarn and/or the pom pom device.

And, you can do these for the spring time too with pretty spring colors to brighten up your home! :)

Thank you again Kindra, I had fun doing these and being a part of the Be Mine Bonanza!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!

I love the look of the pom pom flowers in the empty bottles. Don't you?! Vintage bottles can be found for cheap at thrift stores and garage sales. So be on the lookout the next time you are thrifting.
Michelle is bursting with projects for your home. I'm especially in love with her kitchen wall and bedroom. So inspiring! Michelle, thank you for sharing your pom pom flower tutorial with us!

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