Be Mine Bonanza: Day 3-Button Wool Pillow

Tonya from More Prim Than Proper

Button Wool Pillow

Material list:
Pillow or stuffing
Fabric scissors
Tape measure
Fabric glue
DMC floss (white)
Fabric chalk
Wool sweater or fabric off the bolt
Buttons (white and clear)

Measure the length and width of your pillow and add 1/2 inch to each. Then cut two pieces from the body of the sweater. From the piece of paper cut a heart (or hearts if you'd like more than one).

Using the fabric chalk, trace the outline of the heart onto one piece of your fabric. This will be the front of the pillow.

Arrange the buttons inside the chalk line in a random pattern. When you have them arranged to your liking, put a little fabric glue under each one being careful not to get glue inside the button holes.When the glue is dried, use two strands of the white DMC floss to sew each button in place. Then, with right sides together sew across the top and down the two sides. Turn the pillow case right side out, add your pillow or stuffing and hand stitch the bottom.

Tonya made her project for FREE! All the materials she used came from around her house. I love projects like these! Now I need to look for an old sweater!
Tonya is a full time working mom and still manages to squeeze in blogging and projects. I especially love her framed projects and decorating. Thank you so much, Tonya, for showing us this great pillow tutorial!

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