I've been reading "A Mom Just Like You" by Vickie Farris (ghost-written by her second daughter), a book written to encourage homeschool moms, and I came across a very encouraging word from Scripture.
Mrs. Farris certainly empathizes with the mom who has many little ones and knows (from her own experience, many times over) how difficult it is to find any good chunk of time to give to the Lord when you are up in the night with a newborn or trying to homeschool and parent toddlers, or dealing with sickness, or potty training, and on and on the list could go.
Sometimes it can feel like you're just not making enough of an effort when you don't have a lengthy sit-down time with God every single day. Mrs. Farris shared a word of encouragement that came to her at a critical time in her life as a mom:
One day I was talking with my friend Linda, who is the mother of eleven children, about this problem. When I expressed my frustration about not being able to get enough time with the Lord, she nodded sympathetically. "Vickie," she said, "think about the promise in Isaiah 40:11, 'He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arms, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.'And I've found that it's true. God is gracious to us when we are moms with young children.
That verse has meant so much to me," Linda explained. "It's just comforting to know that he 'gently leads' those of us who have little ones. He knows our struggles. He's not going to zap us for failing to give Him a full hour every morning like we used to. But even when we can't give Him that ideal chunk of time, we can find time to meet Him in little moments throughout the day."
With each additional child, and each new phase, He has shown me His faithfulness. When I draw near to Him even a little bit, He draws near to me. When I put up any amount of effort to read or listen to Scripture, He is faithful to speak to me. When I try to memorize, He is faithful to bring those Scriptures to mind when I need them.
God is faithful, gentle and gracious to those of us who are weary and in a busy season of life with young children. Don't be overwhelmed with guilt... our Shepherd sees and knows and promises to gently lead.
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