Merry Christmas morning whoever ventures over to BLOG LAND today!
I woke very early after a solid nights sleep (went to bed at 9:30!)

Got up and made our traditional sweet rolls - Cinnamon rolls and Orange rolls - from the Pillsbury can of course! lol It has been something we have done since the kids were real little as part of our morning around the tree....eating sweet rolls, drinking milk and juice and hoping not to tip the glasses over as we're scattering boxes and papers in 10 differnt directions!
Here's a couple pictures of the mess of gifts that need to be arranged around the tree!

And here they are all under the tree

And this morning, even though we weren't around the tree with the kids, we had to have our sweet rolls with our coffee and milk.

Now the table is set, the kitties are fed, the ham is in the oven, the meatballs are simmering and the rest of the morning is ours and we still need to hang the 'oh so filled stockings'....then wait for the family to arrive around 1 or so.

They are all bringing some kind of appetizer for the afternoon along with our meatballs, chips/dip, cheese assortment so there should be quite an array of goodies.

Have A Wonderful Christmas Day To All My Friends!

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