Hidden Rooms

Ben pointed me to a ruminative post on BLDG Blog about the fantasy of hidden rooms. This is an aspect I hadn't thought about, and while I can't think of a hidden room in the recent steampunk readings I've done (I'm sure you could think of some), it did remind me of the secret room Because We Can designed in the 3 Rings offices

So how could you use this idea in your home? I like the "bookshelves hiding a door" idea, like at the 3 Rings offices. We (well, mostly Ben, with some of my help), built shallow bookcases covering one wall of our guestbedroom:

I wonder if we could just extend them somehow to cover the door as well, giving the illusion of a room with no door? (Kind of missing the point, though, doesn't it, to have the hidden door on the *inside* of the room?)

Of course, there's always the hidden door at the back of a wardrobe.

Previous post on the 3 Rings Offices.

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