Show & Tell: Men, Women, and Children

This time around, I've got a little somethin' for everyone...

FOR MEN (or curious women):

  • I just came across this great website,, that has put together a lot of research and articles examining why 61% of church attenders are women. Click on over there and poke around; there's interesting stuff to be found.


When I was sitting in the OB waiting room a couple of weeks ago, there was a mother with a two-year old. The mother called her daughter to come, as her name had just been called, and--miracle of miracles--the little girl quickly started throwing the toys into a basket before coming. The mother was amazed: "It's this new thing they're teaching her at daycare (she used the word school which I refuse to use). Now all of the sudden she's all about cleaning up her toys. I can't believe it!"

I got the idea that what was going through most people's minds in the waiting room was: isn't day-care such a great thing! What was going through my mind was: what a pity that mothers are so clueless about child training these days that they are in awe of a two-year-old who can pick up her toys and that childcare centers are the only ones who are doing any child training. [Continue reading here.]

FOR ANYONE:Huckabee is a political inconvenience, a destroyer of stereotypes. He is probably best known as the fellow who lost 100 lbs. in a year, and made living well through exercise and good nutrition one of his signature issues as Governor. But the real significance of Huckabee... is that he represents the introduction of a new constituency into the political process: "Second Commandment" Christians, those more interested in salvation than damnation. [Read the full article here.]


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