Proverbs in Pictures #1

As I've read through Proverbs this month, it hasn't "hit" me like James and First John did. But it is slowly encouraging me, and I am gleaning wisdom each time I sit to listen to these old truths.

I also have taken some recent pictures I'd like to share with you, so over the next few days, I'm going to combine these things: recent pictures I've taken, with recent things I've learned. Though these posts will be simple and quick to read, I invite you to take a moment to meditate on these timeless truths in a new and fresh way.

This is my oldest son, who was out with me when I went on a "photo hunt" through our yard. While I was looking for flowers to take pictures of, he said "mom, here"- and I wheeled around, with my camera ready. His generosity always makes me smile, and certainly is a living example of this timeless truth.

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