Not much to tell but a couple things to show

Hi everyone – well it has been quiet here recently and that’s perfectly fine with me from all that has been going on since the middle of October – a nice welcome.

Saturday and Sunday we went to craft shows…I really needed to take a bit of a break from sewing on orders all week so there was a Round Robin in Elkhorn and the vendors were located at 5 different locations.  Very nice but soooo much of the SAME THINGS at each location.  I honestly didn’t find a single thing to buy. Now if I was in the need of jewelry or knitted things or fleece then I would have been in heaven…but I didn’t.

Then Sunday we went to Brookfield (in Milwaukee area) at the high school – now this was a great show…it went throughout the halls and into the gym. Again lots of the same things as the last show…not many Primitives or home decor – lots of greens all decked out with glitter and glitz but not much of what we all like around here in blogland.  I would loved to have seen some nice Snowmen or Santa’s done plain but they were all gopped up!

I did manage to buy a little trinket dish with some jewels on it for a gift for one of my granddaughters but that was the extent of it there.  BUT….I did see someone some of you might know from the blogs…LEANNE from Harvest Moon By The Lake:
Doug took the picture with his phone so it’s not too clear.

Leanne and me

I had forgotten to take pictures of the wool I purchased when we were in PA…I don’t know if I’m going to use it on Penny Rugs or cut it in strips for rug hooking.  I bought it in Bird In Hand, PA but the label says Yankee Lane Primitives…I looked it up but they only have over dyed and solids…not plaids.  I’m so looking for LARGER pieces of plaids and checks – not little pieces.
New Wool

I got a special order for six chair backers with a sheep and a year…I worked with her through e-mail with pictures as I went along to get her approval…this is the end result.
1860 Chair Backer 
But now she hasn’t replied back for over 2 weeks…I’m afraid she was in the path of the storm Sandy (she never gave me her address)…I’m not worried about my sale because I will hold on to these if and when she’s ready to buy…I’m just praying she’s okay and that it’s just a matter of power and that she didn’t loose her home to the fires that destroyed so many lives.

Got new pictures of Miranda…4 months old now - she has gotten so big!
Miranda 3

 Miranda 2

Miranda 1

Okay, I said I would put pictures of ROOTS MARKET on so here they are
There are 20 of them so I left them in album form…just click on the picture box and you will see them all.

(these will open up in SkyDrive…just click on one of the pictures when it opens up to vies)

While sitting here sewing all last week I had Christmas music going and then I thought…hey QVC is showing their gourmet foods at 3:00 so I turned it on…well I haven’t watched QVC in YEARS!!!  But like most I got hooked…I ordered a JUNIORS CHEESE CAKE for Christmas delivery – it has a picture of Santa on it that is edible.  Most of us like cheesecake so it’s one dessert I don’t need to fuss with.
And I bought some Mrs. Prindable’s Chocolate & Sea Salt apples, and it’s all dipped in Caramel! YUMMMM.
They are to be delivered next week early so they will be here in time for Thanksgiving.
Toffee Apples

Santa cheesecake

I guess that’s all I have to share this week – my brother Gene SIL Gail are coming over today and we’re going out to Dan DiPaolo’s farm because they can’t make it for his Open House on Friday and Dan is always so wonderful to let us come early and being they will be here today he said come on out!!!  Hopefully I will be able to shoot a few photos…if he’s totally set up that is…sometimes we have to worm our way through the boxes.

On my website I posted that the deadline has been met for all Christmas orders…I need time to finish what is here and then to get ready for my holiday here.

I most likely will be back one more time before Thanksgiving but if not have a wonderful Thanksgiving to all.


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