Gosh I feel so honored!

Most of the time we all take for granted the fact we live right here in the USA…why does it take a special day like the 4th of July to open our eyes…you know I just look around my little are and see so many things that make me feel honored and blessed to live here.

In just a 5 mile radius I saw so many things that say Freedom and honor…I didn’t see a flag flowing in the breeze or a statue of a fallen soldier or read the Declaration of Independence…but they are things we get to see everyday BECAUSE OF FREEDOM.  Just look around your town and you’ll see things differently.

Just look around and you will see what it means to live in our wonderful USA – a drive in the country and you can see fields of wheat, wild flowers, animals and old structures that were here before we were born.
We are so fortunate that we don’t look out on to war torn streets and fields…buildings torn apart from fighting…we see FREEDOM.
And we can even get in our cars and look at all these wonderful treasures we most of the time take for granted.

Sunday when we took a ride we saw field after field of patchwork Green Corn and Amber Winter Wheat

‘AMBER WAVES OF GRAIN’ …we have it in abundance!!


corn and wheat


Every Winter Wheat field we went by had a different look…so pretty
Some fields were not cut and many were partially cut

Cut wheat 


Hay 2

Hay 1

cut hay 1

cut hay

Cut wheat 4

I love this one..you can see where the combine forks went in
Cut wheat 3

Cut wheat 2

Not sure what these flowers are but they are abundant along our roadsides

Blue Flowers

Wild field Lilies – love the creek in the background

One lone Coneflower
Lone coneflower

This barn was ready to fall down…and the roof was thatched on the little building on the left
We saw all these Red barns on one small stretch of road
Old Barn


Red Barn

Red farm

Freedom in my town in the park
Picture 6 Log Cabin

On my dining room table
Flag on table

Flowers at the corners in our downtown
Flower pots

Hope you enjoyed this trip around my little town – why I love farm land I don’t know but harvest time is such a great time of year

And now to introduce you to the newest Martinsen
July 3, 2012
6 lb. 2 oz. 19.6 inches
This was their Dr’s first Wisconsin delivery…he just moved here from out of state.
And he and his wife just had their 2nd baby (a boy) on Sunday

Darren came to the door to show us Miranda while they were taking care of MaryAnn
Look at her little pout!
Miranda 3

Miranda 2

Miranda 1

 Dr with baby 1

Dr with baby  

Hope you all have a wonderful fun and safe 4th of July and I hope you look in your own backyard and see some things that say FREEDOM…
Picture close up


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