Moving On


Dear Readers,

After months of contemplation, I’ve decided to say goodbye to my blog.  *sniff, sniff*  I’m finding that blogging about design has settled further down on my priority list…if that’s not been obvious by my lack of posts.  My time is taken up more than ever before…three teens now in the house (delightful so far, but time consuming…lots of eye-to-eye conversations involved that I wouldn’t miss for the world),  ramping up homeschooling of our special needs daughter, and of course, I can’t leave out the two middle girls who need their Mommy’s attention as well. 

I’ll still be decorating obviously, and will forever be rearranging, tweaking, and will continue to be inspired by your projects and pictures.  You can still keep up with what’s going on over here at our fixer farmhouse via Pinterest and Houzz.  I still want to share, but just in a way that works better with my life.  Hopefully I’ll see you over there!  This blog led me into a fun, surprising journey, and I’m so glad you were all a part of it with me.  Thank you!

Love to all,

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