70 Years – Selling Blogs

Yes, that’s right…my husband turned 70 on Saturday…HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOUG. I can honestly say he does not look or act 70…he’s still going strong!

BUT FIRST….about my site POPULAR SELLING BLOGS…I apologize for the last several months that it has not been showing up as being updated – I assure you that all new members are added and that I click ‘publish’ – but as most of you know…BLOGGER has lots of glitches so it never updated.
Friday I RE-MADE the entire blog and this time it updated current.
Now, for any member…IF YOU WANT TO UPDATE YOUR PHOTO just send me a new one…OR if there are any who want to be deleted just e-mail me.  I thank you all for making it such a great blog of talented artists.
And…if you aren’t a member and want to join just send me an e-mail with the selling blog link and a picture you want with it.

On with the birthday…we/he decided that all he wanted was our family together to celebrate…pulling off a surprise might have been a huge task as we don’t live close to any of our relatives and friends – so getting things done in a different town than we live in would have been next to impossible and having it at our house would have been a give away to the surprise …. AND… now I’m happy we didn’t have one as I caught a raging cold on Friday and never left my bed until 4 in the afternoon on Saturday to get showered and dressed to go to dinner – my head was stuffed…sneezing…coughing…just what everyone wants to hear in a restaurant huh?

Well fortunately the restaurant we chose was not really busy Sat. night – not sure why either because it’s a very popular place, anyway – we had the side room all to ourselves and that was a blessing. Not only for me having a cold and offending customers – but our boys could be themselves…FUNNY DUDES THAT THEY ARE. They had us laughing the entire dinner – sometimes almost too loud. I love my boys – they make me smile…they make me laugh.

Doug enjoyed his evening and that’s all that counted too!  Prime Rib was his entre of choice

Doug with dinner 

Family birthday 2

Family birthday 1

Sunday I relaxed all morning…very nice morning I might add.
But soon that ended because I needed some groceries bad – so off to the store. Decided it was going to be a DELI MEAL – not much fussing over the stove for me. I also baked a few Chocolate Chip cookies…you know, these are good for a cold!  Either someone told me that once or I TOLD MYSELF…(smiling big).
We had Rib Eye Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Cole Slaw and a mix of Tomato and Cucumber.
Thought we were going to eat it while watching the Packers win….NOT IN THE CARDS…goodness they played horrible! Terrible way to end their season.
Rib Eye Steaks 

Deli dinner 1

Kind of a boring post today I know but I have been up to NOTHING..sewing orders but that’s about it.

FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO LEAVE A COMMENT – I JUST MADE IT SO THAT ‘ANNYMOUS’ COMMENTS ARE ACCEPTED NOW…let’s see what happens this time. I disabled it quite awhile ago because of horrible spam comments.  Linda T. I hope this helps you post a comment now!!!!

Enjoy your day!


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