Terrific Under Ten Tuesday #40


I can't believe it's my 40th linky party! Time flies when you're having thrifty fun! Thanks to all who link up each week! And welcome to all newbies! I enjoy all of your fun projects and thrift finds for $10 or less! Your talent and creativeness never gets old!

Here are a few projects I would like to feature from last week's party:

English Breakfast Cardstock from c.w.frosting
Grab some tea and some notecards and create a beautiful gift for a friend.

Easy Candle Upcycle from Happy-Go-Lucky
We all have half used candles around...why not create some new ones with them. I love the layers!

Nature Inspired Christmas Wreath from Shabby Love
A beautiful wreath to create to have up all winter long.

The Welcome Window from Artsy VaVa
Create a welcoming piece using an old window! So pretty.

If you were featured today, please grab a button! Thanks!

Now it's time to link up to this week's Terrific Under Ten!

Here are the rules:
1. Your project must be made or bought for $10 or less. Crafts, Makeovers, Thrift Finds, Recipes, Kids Projects...
2. Please do not link up Online Shops or Giveaways.
3. You can link up multiple projects.
4. Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog.
5. Add the Terrific Under Ten Tuesdays button to your post, side bar, or linky party list.
6. Visit at least one other project and leave a comment. We all love comments!
Then I'll feature some favorites on the next Terrific Under Ten Tuesday.
*By linking up, you give me the permission to use your photo(s) from your post.

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