So, you're sitting in ___(Bible Study, Church, small group, your living room with your Bible on your lap)____ and you read or hear something powerful. A particular verse, a comment someone else makes, an experience shared, or a principle taught... it hits you between the eyes and you KNOW it's a truth you needed to take to heart and implement in your life.
This is where I've been parking my brain lately.
Throughout my childhood, my late teen years after God drew me back to Him, and the first decade of my adult life, I have had many times of feeling bowled over by truth. Again and again, God has put truth in my life that I needed to hear and implement.
But I don't know if it's human nature, or my former tendency to cram for a test and then forget the facts/information I studied once I've taken the test, but whatever the case, I've realized something: I don't hold onto truth well.
Below I've listed some ways I've found to hold onto truth and implement it in my life. I would LOVE to hear ways that you've found to KEEP and IMPLEMENT the truth that God reveals in your life.
- Printing out verses/passages/ideas and placing them in obvious places in my home
- Talking about it with Doug
- Having accountability from women friends
- Trying to hold onto it in my mind as I read through Scripture, taking special note of applicable verses and passages I run across
- All of these things done with prayer and journaling
Of all of these, the first is most helpful for me, which may be a personality thing-- keeping WORDS visually in front of me is extremely beneficial. At times when we are in-between apartments though (which has been often lately), it's difficult. Right now, for example, I don't have a printer, and haven't since March; plus, I don't want to mess up walls in a temporary residence. Just writing this out has helped me realize that this may be a big reason why I feel mentally "fuzzy" lately. I'm missing those normal opportunities that I rely on to hold onto truth.
At the same time, people have gone thousands of years reaching out to God, and clinging to His truth without a printer and scotch tape! :)
Please share ideas of how you have been able to HOLD onto truth God reveals to you. How do you mentally imprint truth in your heart and life? Let's help one another to live biblically.
Image: Stuart Miles /
Image: Stuart Miles /
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