Mousepad Makeover and Award

If you haven't checked out my guest post over at Chicks Dig Deals from last Friday, go HERE. I show you how I made some "art" from an old shirt of mine.

Well I still have more shirt to go around. LOL And these puppies that gaze at me while  I'm on the computer are getting on my nerves. My mom actually gave me this mousepad several years was an extra she had.

It was showing it's age with some of the fabric coming up on the corner and marker marks...I'm sure from my kids.

So I got out more of my shirt material and cut a little bigger piece than the mouse pad itself. Then I "painted" on modge podge on the pad. Then I placed the fabric down on the glued pad. I put a couple heavy encyclopedias on on top and let dry over night.

The next day I cut the extra fabric that was over hanging the pad on all sides.

Now I have a new mousepad to enjoy while blogging. A super easy project! Now what else can I do with my shirt? I still have more left...

Last week, I was awarded a Stylish Blogger Award from Lovely Crafty Home.
Thank you so much Rachael!

Rachael is a great DIYer!! I love her projects! And she has a great weekend Linky Party!

Lovely Crafty Home

Be sure to check her blog out!

With this award, I am to list 7 things about myself.
Well here I go...

1. I love being a stay-at-home mom! Never thought I would until I had kids of my own. There are so many little moments that I have experienced with my sons while staying home that a paycheck will never replace.
2. I'm not a runner. I don't even have an athletic bone in my body. But within the last year, my hubby and I have signed up for runs in the area. It keeps us motivated to stay healthy. It's fun to share this "hobby" with my hubby. And it sure makes me feel like I have an "athlete" in me somewhere. LOL We have signed up for a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) coming up on May 1st. I am excited and scared at the same time!

3. I'm a night nurse on the weekends. I would rather be staying home and sleeping though...Mondays are real rough for me as I have to stay up all day to take care of my 3 year old. Which leads me to #4...

4. I heart Dave Ramsey. We have been on his plan for 2 years and he has changed our family tree! We have financial goals as a family. And sometimes I whine and complain that I have to go to work and have no sleep...but
"If You Live Like No One Else, Later You Will Live Like No One Else" ~Dave Ramsey

5. We just became members of new church home this past fall and I have never felt closer to God than I do now. It's amazing how you feel, live, give when you surround yourself with such God loving people!

6. I'm defnitely a follower, not a leader. I would rather be in a crowd, just listening and taking it all in than to participate. LOL BUT next week I'll be giving a presentation on Decorating on a Budget at a MOPS group. I'm actually looking forward to it and sharing my passion!

7. I'm not a clean person. It takes all that I have to keep my house clean and organized. I would rather be playing with my sons/hubby or doing a project...which all include making messes.
So there you have it, 7 "interesting" things about myself.

I am supposed to pass this award to 15 other Fabulous bloggers. But have you seen my follow list? I cannot possibly narrow it down to just 15. I think they are all Fabulous! I am inspired each and everyday by such creative women out there. I'm glad to be a part of this community! And if you are reading this, YOU ARE FABULOUS, because you are what keeps me going and inspired to do project after project!
So big HUGS out to you!

Thanks so much for your visits and comments. I appreciate them all so much!

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