Time for myself!

Good morning everyone....well it's darned cold here and I know it won't get much better now that basically WINTER IS HERE - at least temperature wise that is.

I have been keeping up with my website orders and decided that in order to have time for my own decorating, shopping and family needs I am not taking any more Christmas orders.
Orders can be placed but they won't be made or shipped until after January 1st.
I have made up my mind not to push myself so hard anymore - life isn't worth the stress of trying to do ALL THINGS.  I know me, and that's going to be difficult...I am a doer and a mover so changes are hard for me.

I finally ordered a Hooked Rug kit and it should be here by weeks end - I'm really excited because in my free time now I can relax and work on it....then after that I will try my hand at designing one from the wonderful supplies my friend sent me....I just needed something that was complete to start with.

Here's the kit I ordered:

I need a stool to get in because it's so high so It's going to be a cover for the stool at my bed.

We are going up north to my brother/sil's today and will hopefully go to a couple shops - I'll post what I find at the beginning of the week.

So nothing else is happening here that's fun or exciting but wanted to let you all know that I'm not taking any more Christmas orders.

I still have my Christmas decorating to do and start my shopping so that's going to be next week and I'm looking forward to it!

Enjoy your week/weekend everyone


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