From Blonde to Brunette Basket

Happy Monday!

How was your long Thanksgiving weekend?! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves with FOOD, Family, Worship and maybe even some shopping and football squeezed in!

This weekend was also a special time for me. As some of you may or may not mom and I have been making/selling crafts for the past 6 years. After thinking long and hard about it, I decided it was time to quit. :( I work the night shift on weekends which is also my craft time. Lately, I just didn't have enough energy to keep up with craft fairs anymore. My family would of been put on the back burner and I didn't want my sons to remember me being some tired and crabby crafter. LOL

So Saturday was our last craft fair. We had an excellent day of sales and we were nearly sold out at the end of the day. It was nice not to bring much back home! LOL

The time with my mom sitting endless hours in our craft booths is priceless. Thanks mom for coming along with me on this journey. I did have fun while it lasted!

My mom has already taken up her free time in the last couple years with motorcycle riding with my dad. So she will also enjoy her time off riding in the wind. If you see a motorcycle in Nebraska and Kansas zooming by, it just might be my parents. :) They like to go on long rides and hit up junk and antique stores.

I did a quick makeover to share with you today!

I bought this nice big basket at a garage sale this summer for $1. I loved the style but not the color.

I love blonde but not in baskets and furniture. LOL

I debated back and forth on to paint it a color or not. I have a lot of painted furniture so after thinking long and hard on what to do with it, I decided to leave it a dark "stained" color. (I tend to do that with a lot of my projects...a color choice is always harder than the actual project!)

It was real simple.

I took some dark umber craft paint and watered it down and just started brushing it all over the basket. The paint brush was nice so I can get the bristles into all the nooks and crannies.

Not completely satisfied with the color, I watered down some black paint and slapped that on as well. I just really played around with the water and paint until I got the color I wanted. It took about an hour to dry and it was ready to go!

And here it is today!

The paint added just the right touch, don't you think?

I started on Christmas decorating yesterday. I filled the basket with some fresh greenery from my MIL's pasture. My hubby cut down some mini-cedar trees for me.

I hit up a junk store on Saturday, on the way home from the craft fair. I scored a nice big bag of silver and blue ornaments for 75 cents.

I just love the color of them. They are a nice muted color.

I think I'm going very simple this year for Christmas. We'll see when I pull out the totes later today. LOL

Do you have your Christmas Decor done?

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