Guest Post and Garage Inspiration

Today I am guest posting over at Chicks Dig Deals. I am showing a tutorial on how to make easy wire picture hangers. Go HERE for the post!

While you're visiting, check out some of the great deals that Nikky shares with her readers. I have saved so much $ with her hard work! Thanks Nikky for having me!

This week I have been doing the dirty deed of cleaning out the garage. Yuk.

It's way overdue. I make crafts/makeovers as a hobby so there is endless sawdust in this space. My hubby has put up with my mess for quite sometime so I thought I would surprise him with a garage cleanup. I'm on day 3 and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope the garbage men take all of our trash next week. LOL I want it out of here before it creeps back in the garage again.

Us "decorators" never really talk about the garage much on our blogs. But really it's the first "room" we see when we come home. And to be honest, I was tired of feeling so overwhelmed just pulling into the garage. Not a fun way to be greeted by clutter, sawdust, chaos...

So I put on my grungy clothes and headed out to the site. And I'm so relieved, I'm about done. It's one dirty job but someone's got to do it!

Even though it's "clean", there are still some things I would like to do to "pretty" it up some.

Our walls are white...blah.

How about a splash of color!

I love the floor, but there is no way we could keep it that clean. LOL

I would like to claim a small corner for crafting...instead of the whole garage.

Isn't this space cute?! Just add a radio and I would be set!

Toys and sports gear tend to be all over the place. I NEED this!

And just because I went through so many nuts, screws and bolts my hubby has all over the place...I just had to share this picture. Functional and pretty.

I think I need to make a paint errand. I have the sudden urge to paint the garage wall-just one. Ssshhh don't tell my husband, it's a surprise. :)

Hope you have a great weekend!

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