Brown and more Brown

I jumped on the wagon and found lots of brown in my house…wow, there’s more than I thought….sitting here I can see lots that I missed.

I have so enjoyed seeing all your Brown and it intrigued me.
So here are some samples in my home.

Brown Basket
Brown Candle 
Brown Chair Legs
Brown Coffee Beans 
Brown Cupboard
Brown Goose
Brown Handle Basket
Brown House
Brown Miscellaneous
Brown Potatoes
Brown Sieve
Brown Spoon Rack
Brown Sugar
Brown Towel
Brown Wax Sheep
Brown Wreath
So there you have it!
When someone starts the BLACKS….watch out – I’m sure everyone will have picture intense posts! We are all lovers of Black and it’s everywhere in my house.


I had an order for my small Tulip Mat in Black and I just love it…I redesigned the style and now will change out the one
on my site…cute isn’t it?
I sent her a picture of it before sending it and she loves it…I think she will like it even more in person.


I have been e-mailing with a few girls who will be going to Columbus in several days and we’re hoping to meet up with each other somewhere/somehow…..Kim, Jan, Linda, Lisa, Dawn!
Hope to see you there.
Anyone else going?????

We will be there for the shows on the 18, 19, 20th and hopefully get to ESC Wholesale and CWI while we are there. Lots to do in a few short days but I never underestimate my drive when it comes to shopping! lol


I want to thank all of you who signed on to my
We are at 27 so far. It has really taken off and I thank you all!

Have a wonderful week…see ya in Blog Land.


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