It started around midnight Monday and continued on through yesterday (Tuesday) leaving behind mounds of that white stuff – a word I don’t even want to think, say or type again!
Doug spent the entire day shoveling and s--- blowing until a buried newspaper got jammed up in the blower…not a happy man at that point…so after an hour of trying to get the paper and plastic out of the blades and chute he finally had to take it in…got it back about 2 hours later and it runs better than before! He finally gave up at 4:30 and then was back out this morning after we got dumped on in the night. But oh is it pretty out there.
I didn’t take pictures because they would look like the rest of the ones I’ve taken over the past couple years…our scenery doesn’t change around us.

Well all that being said about the white stuff….I’m wishing I was here right now and I’m sure there are tons of you out there that are wishing the same thing. Here’s an accumulation of WARM SCENES from the last couple trips we’ve taken

Dunn’s River Falls, Jamaica from the cruise we took with our kids 
Dunn's River Family

All of us on deck
All on deck

The following pictures are from our last visit to St. Kitts, West Indies to friends of ours place.

Enjoying time at Friars Beach
Friars Beach 2

View on the drive over the mountain heading for Friar’s Beach
The beach is just beyond the nearest large hill in the distance

Top of mountain from picture above – friends have purchased this mountain and built a home up here but before it was built they would have wiener roast ups here – they called it hot dog ridge….this was taken at one of the get togethers
Karen Doug Sundance Ridge

Walking Cockleshell Beach looking for shellsCockelshell Beach 4

Visiting the gardens at Carrabelle Batik
These gardens are on the ground of the shop where they make the original Batik hand printed fabrics….and they are absolutely fabulous.
I put some pictures of the Batik at the end
Carabelle Batique 1

Stopped for refreshments at Rawlins Plantation on one of our island drives
Rawlins Plantation 4

Me, Linda and Billy

Well that wasn’t much but just posting these pictures took me to a warmer place – hope it did you too!

Please don’t forget to check out my new blog for those who have SELLING BLOGS….anyone fitting the requirements is welcome to join…it’s more exposure!   http://popularsellingblogs.blogspot.com/

Have a warm and safe Wednesday
We’re heading to Janesville for lunch with my brother and his wife so SEE YA!

Carabelle Batik

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