This is my second time for doing this posting. Yesterday morning I got up early to watch the snow and all the neighbors and my husband work their butts off shoveling and snow blowing the heaviest snow I’ve seen in ages…no, I didn’t go out in it but I could see how often the ones snow blowing would stop and unplug the blades and others stop shoveling and rest on the shovel handle. Doug said you would pick up a shovel full and it would make a splat sound when it landed there was so much moisture in it.

Here are a couple pictures I took as it was coming down the night before.  I went out hoping to get good pictures but as from past experience with night time photos and snow – they just don’t turn out. I wish I could get a good shot of the yard all lit up but it’s not happening.

Snow 1


I also finished up decorating for Christmas…it’s very sparse this year.
After having all the show items up and all the greenery I decided to leave it minimal….I don’t have many photos because most would be a repeat of past years…I don’t vary much except put in a new item here and there but I did take a couple. Again, most are blurry because I wanted night pictures and they only turn out with the flash.
Most years I add greens and berries to my everyday decorating and it really makes it look like Christmas…easy decorating.

This is with no flash – side table in dining room
Christmas 2 blur
This is with the flash – huge difference!
Christmas decor 2

Christmas 3 blur

 Christmas 4 blur

Christmas decor 1

 Side Table in the kitchen
Christmas 5

So onward to the rest of the show pictures. My brother had a few left on his camera and sent them to me.
Mdse 1

Mdse 2

Mdse 3

Mdse 4

Mdse 5

Mdse 6 

And last – Darren sent us a picture of his scar from the last surgery 3 weeks ago….and an update….there is no improvement in the right arm. Very sad that the right arm was perfect going in! I pray therapy will bring it back…please pray with me. The picture came from his cell phone so it’s not too good – but you can see the size of this thing – he said it’s 10 inches!
 Darrens Scar

I hope you all are ready for Christmas. I wish I could say I was. I still have orders I’m sewing and I’m setting my goal to have the last of them in the mail Saturday. I’m not behind…just many orders at the last minute. I put Dec. 1 as the deadline but orders are still coming in and they are so nice to understand they won’t get them by Christmas. I love my customers…they are a supportive group of people with so much understanding.

Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend everyone

P.S. has anyone else had a really bad anonymous post lately?
I had one yesterday and it was horrible – no legible words but when you clicked on it a very bad porno site came up…I deleted it! Just beware.


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