I might mess this post up because I selected the NEW BLOGGER EDITING....so bare with me! I don't even know how to get type below my pictures with this setup!!! ARGGGGG!!!
Anyway....on Sunday we went to a flea market and I got  4 place settings of Pewter handled flatware - it's not the very early style but it is Pewter so I bought it - I paid $12 for the set plus a sugar spoon and butter knife.
The man had them in this red caddy and I bought it for $5.00 and I just love it. We have Doug's grandparents caddy from 1908 and they are almost identical...they were used in most home back then.
My brother and his wife know I want to make some Pantry Cakes so they found this tin with the molds in them and some single ones as well and brought them to me....aren't they they the nicest relatives?
We bought this great Pewter creamer and sugar at the flea market for $5.00 - I thought that was a great bargain!
I have been searching for reasonable mache boxes to cover with fabric and found these at different vendors - each for $1.00.
Over a year ago she started putting TEXTURES on her blog and I was so intrigued with her results and now I see several of our wonderful bloggers have been doing this....WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA...one just doesn't appreciate the textures, colors and look of the everyday things we have in our homes. Thank you Jen for starting something that is taking off!
I have been taking some close-up  pictures of TEXTURES but not sure if they'll turn out. My close-up on the camera makes things blurry so we'll see what I get here.
I will post more next week but for now I think there are enough photos in this post!
Hope you enjoy....

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