We had our son and daughter in-law and Aidan over for dinner last night - it has been a couple months since we've seen Aidan...seems schedules get in the way but we got our Aidan fix!!!!

He has grown so much in the 2 months that we've seen him and doing so many things. He'll be 11 months on the 20th - a big boy already.

Here he is with Grandma and Grandpa

And with mom and dad
I fixed a pot roast with potatoes and carotts, and some corn and that was it....a simple weeknight dinner that cooked itself so we could play with Aidan. A good evening was had by all.

I'll even get to see them on Mother's Day because they invited us out to brunch. Doug can't make it because he'll be on a vehicle delivery heading for California - although sometimes these deliveries get cancelled at the last minute so 'maybe' he might join us...we'll see when Friday comes.

I'm getting closer to the bottom of the order pile - I can see daylight I think...lol
So with that to look forward to next Thursday I might head for Lancaster on a shopping outing and on that Saturday the 16th meet up with the girls from Prim Mart forum - they are having their convention in Harrisburg for 3 days and they're going to Lancaster on Saturday. I'm planning on being with them that day. They're meeting at IN GRANDMA'S ATTIC for the sart of the day. It should be fun!
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Now if this isn't relaxed I don't know what is...and look how perfectly Baby fits into the chair (well, she's huge actually!) But I thought her snuggling with the pillow was too cute.
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Isn't this Serviceberry bush pretty....it gets these delicate white flowers and then a bud comes out and a beautiful red berry about the size of and M&M which the birds just adore! If one can salvage enough of them before the birds get them you can make jam from them....but it's wayyyy too much work plucking that bush! We have two of them actually - the other one is on the other side of the driveway but smaller, it's just a baby yet - you can see it behind the picket fence.

I must get back to my needle and wool but have a wonderful day and see around the blogs.
Hugs, Karen

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