I had placed an order from Hammelman's last week for some Sweet Annie and some Lavender and today it arrived.
I could smell the aroma before I even got the box opened - oh my I didn't know how beautiful the Lavender was going to be. It said they came in 3 oz. packages so I ordered 15 of them...I didn't expect the stems to be as long as they are or the length of the flower part....they're just beautiful. They are approx. 20 inches tall.
I would have opened one up to take a picture but they are packaged so nice I didn't want to disturb them.
Oh and the Sweet Annie...this is my second shipment of that - I bought some in October for some projects and still have several pkgs. left. And they come in 4 oz. packages.
I probably will sell them at my home show all tied up with homespun and or some other decorative pretty.
Just thought I'd share this with you along with the post below with the winner of my Give A-way....
Still sewing on orders - hoping to get them all finished in at least a week so I can get back to a normal pace....this was a phenomenal go-round!!!
Hugs, Karen

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I used a Random Number Generated system for the winner of my 100th post and here's what came up when I did the RNG:
Random numbers generated Apr 30 2009 at 19:35:24 by educational resources for parapsychology, psychical research & mind magic #42
I posted the results so you know I did this as fair as possible with 105 entries...

So that being done....CONGRATULATIONS goes to: KATHY S from BITTERSWEET FARM BLOG: she was guest #42

Kathy please e-mail me with your mailing address!

I do wish it could have been each and everyone of you!
Hugs, Karen

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Show & Tell: An April Blogging Bonanza!

Well, since slowing down blogging a while back, I haven't done a Show & Tell, and I know there are some of you out there who love these things. Lemme tell ya, this one's a doozie. So let's get right to it:










THE SHOW & TELL WRAP-UP: Good for a laugh!
As always, happy reading! And Happy May! :)

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Wokingham Town Hall

I ran across this fine example of Victorian Gothic style on the website of Ridge Property Consultants in the UK. Love the rafters!

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Junk Sistas Raffle

So come one,come all~~~please buy a raffle ticket (or more) to help the family of baby Bella with the cost of her medical bills. 32 lovely ladies have banded together to donate items for raffle. Shipping is absolutely free to the winners so please be generous and buy as many tickets as you are able to. If you are the lucky winner of my items, you will receive a fabulous scrap journal from Secret Leaves, a heavenly bottle of Heliotrope scented bath salts from French Soaps, and a beautiful beveled charm by Cathy Penton titled "The Language of Flowers". Please go to the Junk Sistas blog or click on the ticket in the top right corner of my blog to purchase tickets. Thanks for helping and God bless!

Here's what the winner of my items will receive:

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Baby Bella FundRaiser

Okay all you bloggers,junkers, and sistas in the search please help us out! Bella Marie came into the world in March as a teeny weeny blessing to her parents Jen and Roby, and to her grandparents whom we all know affectionately as Deb of Talkin' Trash and Cat Daddy. Bella is getting stronger by the day, and needs our prayers so please keep her in your heart. What else can you do? Please participate in the fundraiser that sweet Amy of Junk Sistas and Teresa of Garden Antqs Vintage have organized. Lots of cool stuff will be up for raffle but you've got to buy a ticket on May 1st to enter. Go to the Junk Sistas blog by clicking on the link above and buy a ticket there. You can also see a roll call of the awesome chicks who have heard the call and come runnin'. Here's the first pic taken of Bella...

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Mason Jar Light

If french jam jars aren't quite your style, how about a Mason jar light instead? I like how these have a country feel.

Don't think Mason jars are steampunk enough? You've obviously never seen the alchemical and mechanical ingenuity it takes to make moonshine...

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Good morning everyone...yes, I'm still here.

But I think you can all guess what I've been doing....NOPE, not the dining room...I've been sewing orders. Since the magazine article it hasn't slowed down so I haven't had a chance to get my fingers in the DR thing.

Yesterday Doug did a final coat on the trim where all the nail holes were and our son and grandson came over in the afternoon to bring all the cupboards/pie safes back in and I must say I'm loving it.

They put everything where it was before but it all took on such a different look with the wood floor.

I told Doug I just might keep the room very bare and minimal and keep an old Colonial look going.....but we have soooo many pretties that I love looking at....oh, what to do!
No the cloth doesn't belong on the table but we had something sitting on the table so it was under it and I didn't take it off.
And I still have the piddling kitty (not the one in the picture, although it's because of her that LOLA is doing it. It's a territory thing with her)....she only goes in the DR over by the tall cupboard - on either side....she knows what her litter box is for - she doesn't go anyplace but in that area now and then.
Not much to report today but wanted to let you all know I'm here and kicking! I do get on and read and comment on your blogs though - I have my little routine in the morning but needed to say HI to you all today!
Hugs, Karen

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Thanks Bunches!

Thanks bunches and bunches to everyone who came to the Sweet Pea Home Sale yesterday! It was a success thanks to those faithful few who keep me going in this endeavor to bring great finds to fellow junk lovers. Please keep your eye out for the next sale~~probably sometime in June. Thanks again!


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Gearhead Desk

via Gizmodo, a $21,000 desk by Dale Mathis with gears that actually move. Really. Go watch the video.

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Mason Jar Light

If french jam jars aren't quite your style, how about a Mason jar light instead? I like how these have a country feel.

Don't think Mason jars are steampunk enough? You've obviously never seen the alchemical and mechanical ingenuity it takes to make moonshine...

via Design*Sponge.

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Spring 2009 Home Sale

Tomorrow is the Sweet Pea Spring 2009 Home Sale!! Be here at 9am with bells on to get the best stuff! Here are some pics to entice you to stop on by...

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Homeschool Curriculum Choices: A Stream-of-Consciousness Analysis

So in the last week, I've gotten a message asking me to share how I chose curriculum, a message asking me what I think of the Classical education approach, and a message asking about how we investigated the various curriculum options. So, in this one post, without a ton of editing, bullet-points, or linkage, and while not-so-subtly showing off some recent pics of my family, let me just lay out what we did to get to where we are today-- happy & comfortable with the curriculum we use and the results so far.

Initially, I read a lot and asked a ton of questions... anything I could get my hands on and anyone I could talk to. I went to Mardel and scoured the curriculum selections they had. I sat in Barnes & Noble and scanned basic principles from a variety of homeschool, parenting, & education books. Considered the homeschool families I had known and asked questions, of both the parents and the children... what curriculum(s) they had used? How did they like it? What was it like? What are the benefits of the books they used? What did they do for science? Did they add in electives? Etc.

In doing that, for example, I learned that Saxon math is heavy on drillwork & review, and learned that Math-U-See is a very hands-on popular math program. I heard, from the kids, what they thought their particular curricula was strong in, and what they didn't like. From formerly homeschooled young adults, what prepared them for college and real life, and what didn't. I realized that some curricula are workbook-based and get consumed by each child, so you have to keep re-purchasing them (perhaps less expensive on the front end, but more expensive the more kids you have), and that others use books to educate (perhaps more expensive on the front end, but less expensive as you spread those costs out to multiple children).

[*** I should say that later (after we made our curriculum selection), I was fortunate to join an online forum that Sonlight hosts with thousands of other homeschool moms where I can ask questions, glean from those who are further down the road, and learn from the mistakes & successes of others. It is a real blessing and has contributed greatly to my sense of ease and confidence in the choices we make.]

Then I thought back to my own growing up years in public school. Engaging teachers in the elementary years. A fairly good enrichment program. No real science (except for observing tarantulas my 5th grade year) until 7th grade. Once we reached junior high, we got boring, hodge-podge history without any real chronological/geographical "flow". And where there was flow, it was presented in a way that could bore even a history buff to tears.

Good math, but the value of each year, and what was learned & retained, was often entirely dependent upon the teacher. Good elective options. A lot of phonics. Grammar. Worksheets. Sentences memorized (and soon forgotten) for T/F tests. Mostly US history, some Texas history, virtually no world history.

Personally, also, I had the tendency to be overlooked by teachers because I wasn't a problem child behaviorally and could fake it through tests and essays, even without Cliffs Notes. Sad to say, I often did minimal work-- except in areas of interest (which for me, was drumline, vocal performance, and government... and the occasional paper on Jane Austen). So I got good grades, but rarely felt challenged. Needless to say, from this experience & background, I determined that one of my aims is to provide a more tailored and engaging curriculum that will draw in the hearts and minds of our children.

So I investigated homeschooling as our oldest son reached ages 3/4-ish. Somewhere along the way, after hearing about classical education, Charlotte Mason, unschooling, workbook-based, computer-based, DVD-based, and other options... I came across Sonlight. For us, this was it! A curriculum that has a Christian whole-world perspective. Excellent books. They even tell you a list of valid reasons why NOT to buy their curriculum, so that you go into the experience educated and with your eyes open as to what you're getting. No monotonous drill work or a stack of worksheets for subject matter that ought to be fun and interactive... history, literature, bible, social studies... these things are all studied by reading excellent books together with your child. Particularly when children are young, learning ought to be a delightful experience.

Here's an example of learning history through good books, from our Kindergarten year-- Instead of memorizing the dates, places, and people of WWII, or doing a word find, or coloring a page with pictures of parachute men, we read an engaging, award-winning historical fiction novel written at a level he could understand about orphans living in an orphanage on the French countryside. Together, we experienced and discussed WWII through their eyes... learning about ration cards, Nazi soldiers, the scarcity of things like oranges and chocolates, where the Alps are, the role that clergy and people of faith played in assisting the Jewish people. These are all concepts that we discussed together and were not only grasped, but retained, by my then-5-year-old because we looked at the war in an emotionally-engaging way rather than through a coloring sheet or a list to memorize.

Now, I should say that this curriculum is not for everyone. We all have different backgrounds, we all come with different values and aims... but I will say this: Sonlight consistently brings educational materials to my child that are worth using. The books they choose, and the way they present them (in the context of the historical chronology) -- it just makes learning fun. And that is one of my top aims with my younger, elementary-aged children. When my children are young, I want a few simple things for them-- to sense and see a real dependence on and dependability of God, their Creator... and to delight in learning about the world He made. I would consider it a huge failure and a real tragedy if I took the precious little curious minds God gives to young children and squelched that natural desire to learn and grow and explore and engage with the world.

Hear me: I am not saying that ALL other methods do this. I am simply saying that for me, and for our children, I believe Sonlight is the tool that allows me to best fan the flames of curiousity and inquisitiveness that are necessary for a lifelong inclination towards learning.

So, maybe you are a young mom looking at homeschooling. Contemplating. Wondering if you can. Wondering how you'd even do it, and what it would look like if you did. Here's what I suggest: talk to as many people as you can. Glean wisdom in what to do as well as what not to do. Talk to moms who have kids like yours-- maybe you've got a late-talking girl or a boy who can't sit still... talk to moms who have homeschooled kids like these. See what they did... if they waited to get started, if they did school in between backyard playtimes, how they handled the practical things.

Then start to look at curriculum options. Some moms are really keen on making sure they cover every single topic of a scope and sequence and don't want to even unintentionally miss anything that they "should"... so they might enjoy the predictability and confidence that can come from using a workbook-based curriculum. Or a DVD instructor. Or computer, internet-based courses (generally for older children)

Some moms want to dive deep into ancient languages, teach according to "classical" education methods, or study topics in a pre-arranged, methodical order. There are websites and books devoted to those kinds of homeschools.

Some subscribe to a philosophy of child-led learning, where the mom maybe insures a constant continuum of progression in math and grammer, say, but lets the child's interests determine what kinds of things they'll study and then design a curriculum around that for each stage. (For example, if your daughter is really into birds, doing a study on the sciences involved in birds-- the physics of flight, the biology of their structure/etc, reading books like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"-- ok that's a joke, but reading bird-themed books, writing papers/journal assignments about birds, drawing birds, feathers, nests for art work, etc.)

And then I've already told you about book-based studies like Sonlight. There are other companies that do this same sort of approach also.

And then each homeschool family adds their own flair. Some people do unit studies and go bonkers over Egypt for 6-20 weeks. Some use the "extra time" gained in homeschooling to pursue advanced studies in fields of interest (horse lessons, piano performance, internships, community college/college level courses while still in high school years, etc.). The possibilities for a personal configuration of your homeschool are endless.

All that to say, it can seem overwhelming. But something that helps me with homeschool curriculum is something that helps me with life in general... once I find something that "works", something that fits, something that I feel that God has led me to, I don't go looking for something different unless prompted by Him or unless significant problems arise. I'm not the gal scouring catalogs to see if some other company can "trump" what I've currently got going. I focus in on the children God has given to me, and I try to see what will help them at the level they're at to continue to love learning, grow in their understanding of the world, and develop godly character. Once we make a decision, we stick with it and I tailor it to our needs if necessary (although one of the benefits with Sonlight is that it's all pre-planned, so I can take it at whatever pace we like).

If we need to drop something, I'm not freaking out about it (I don't think we ever completely finished a textbook in all my years of schooling). If we need to slow down a bit, we can. If we need to take a break (particularly in these young years) for a week to focus in on character issues, we do. God gave these kiddos to us and I want to be good stewards of not only their minds, but their hearts and personalities as well. We want to try and help develop every part of them-- not just turn out a gaggle of little Einsteins (not to be confused with "Little Einsteins", which we love but still don't really want our kids to be like once they're adults, you understand). While we are very interested in their intellectual development and providing stimulation for their minds and skills, our aims are more focused on launching them towards their eternal joy and God-given purpose than their ultimate financial "success" or the number of degrees they may one day obtain.

Well, I've said more than a mouthful. But that's what we do and have done. I love homeschooling. Our children love schooltime with mommy. And really, more importantly to us, they love to learn-- about God, about the world, about stories, about people, about history, about life. We are enjoying the journey so far, just three years into it.

Whatever curriculum you use or choose, look at the pros & cons... talk to people who have used it. Talk to the kids who grew up with it. See how it matches up with your family dynamics and your children's learning styles. Don't just take my word for it, or anyone else's. No one method is "the right" way to homeschool. Try to do your research on the front end so you don't end up 4 weeks into a year and already hating it. There is such a plethora of resources available that really, there is something to suit almost any and every possible situation, parental philosophy, or learning need.

Be engaged with your kids' education. Be aware of your children's needs. Model a genuine delight in reading and learning. These are all significant and will contribute greatly to your child's education, regardless of your "method" or curriculum. Blessings to you... I hope this helps someone. :)

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When In Texas...

When in Texas, we manage to squeeze in a little sight-seeing if we can.

The first two pics are of the house used in the movie Hope Floats, which can be found in Smithville, Texas just two towns away from where we stay. Who knew?

The next pics are of the world's smallest Catholic church. This teeny little church is right next to the field where our show sets up and I've always been curious about it. You can actually go inside and I did.

Beautiful fields of Bluebonnets everywhere the eye can see...

This majestic stone bridge sits in a meadow of Bluebonnets and beautiful old trees along the way to Round Top. Looks like a post card doesn't it?

In Warrenton, the biggest Easter basket I've ever seen!

And finally, this is me holding two adorable Yorkie puppies named Abby and Gidget. Check out the shades. What a scream!

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The Masters~~Finale

For those of you who know Robin Brown and John Gray~~Magnolia Pearl~~I know you are not surprised that I would include them in my tribute. Beautiful,ethereal,dreamy~~just a few of the many words you could use to describe the gorgeous clothing they design and sell. When at Marburger, I wear nothing else but Magnolia Pearl. It's feminine and flirty and just plain fun to wear. Their booth is romantic and makes you want to sit down and just take it all in. Enjoy...

A shot of me and the beautiful Robin Brown...

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