Well this has been a busy week with house cleaning and running. I did buy a few goodies while shopping and forgot they were on my camera and when I started to download the picture from today there they were.

When shopping we stopped at this absolutely wonderful fabric store out in the country in an old house…it’s really a quaint setting and when you go in it’s wall to wall fabric…I was drooling. But I ended up buying only two pieces, both in Aqua…my new favorite color!

The stripe fabric was on sale for $4.20 a yard and it’s really beautiful - smooth on one side and like a soft flannel on the other so you can use it either way. I was looking for some Colonial reproduction fabric but couldn’t find any so I think the print one will work…what do you think?

Then we went to a resale shop and found two really cool pictures of a man and woman - I like the pictures but the frames and oval matting is what I really like. I’m going to put pictures of Lincoln and Washington in them. I got them both for $5.00

We also found 2 bottles very much alike - both are iridescent and one is pinkish…and it says pint on it…I’m guessing a whisky or some kind of alcohol bottle - but then again maybe a cough syrup bottle…just don’t know….and they were $3.00 each

And then this beautiful 54 X 54 red and blue cotton throw for $16.00.

So that was my shopping on Wednesday…I did get a little muslin grungy bunny and some really neat primitive Easter grass but the picture didn’t turn out.

Yesterday and today was insane so to speak….but in a GOOD WAY. The e-mails that came in about the Country Sampler article was phenomenal! And the orders!!!!! They just kept coming - and one was over the phone. She didn’t have a computer so she had someone look me up and then she called me!

And we even got a letter from a woman who had seen our home in the magazine and in the letter was a picture of a very large dough trencher like on our dining room table - the lady said she forgot she had it until she saw ours and it has been in her attic for many, many years and wanted to know if it was worth anything! Wow - it’s 71 inches long and 17 inches wide! If it’s old I just can’t imagine what it would cost.

And then my computer has been acting up so it has been to the doctor and got fixed so just got it back tonight - that’s partly why you haven’t seen me posting on your Blogs! But I’m back…..

Then today Doug said I could have a decal of my business made for our car so we went to where he works part time and went to the decal dept. and told John what we wanted and within 2 hours we had it and it’s on the side windows of the van. I LOVE IT…HE DID IT JUST PERFECT. What do ya'll think????

Well, I got a little overboard here on this post - hope you stayed with me to the end….Hugs, Karen

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