Occasionally, young moms e-mail me or leave comments asking for more information about what we do with newborns and little ones. So here it is, all in one post-- all the things I've written (so far) about what we do to love and live life with the little people that enter our family:
- What should I be reading & doing when I'm pregnant?
- Readers weighed in-- do the meanings of babies' names matter?
- Here's how I prepared for the birth of our fourth child. (These aren't "must-do"s... these are just some ideas to spur you on.)
- Birth story #1-- with our first son, Summer 2002.
- Birth story #2-- with our second son, Summer 2004.
- Here are my three basic newborn survival tips.
- We use the Babywise routine to help our kids sleep well. Here's my journal of using Babywise with our fifth child (it's a 7-part series, this link is to part 1).
- Don't feel bad if you can't "do it all"! (No one else does either!!!)
- Bedtime Battles? Thoughts on getting newborns to sleep.
- Sometimes things aren't perfect. That's OK.
- Breastfeeding? Awesome!!! Here are some tips on nursing discreetly in public.
- Having our first newborn was the hardest life transition we've made.
- People still use cloth diapers? Seriously? Well, sometimes we do and sometimes we don't. If you want to learn more, (it's easier than you might think!) click here: cloth diapers, cloth baby wipes.
- Make your own baby food! Really. It's cheaper, so very easy, and much healthier!
- Remain "one" with your husband... keep pouring into your marriage!
- Don't read the "expert" parenting/child magazines. Seriously. But if you do, don't compare or measure your precious one by their lousy advice.
- What we do with little ones "pre"-homeschooling.
- How to live a balanced life as a young family.
- Begin parenting your children with the end in mind.
- The importance of the mid-day nap (for their attitudes and your sanity!)
- A few tips for organizing the young family.
- It's not easy-- but it's worth it. Teach your children to obey.
- Think more carefully about birth control options.
- Expectations matter. To a large degree, kids live up to, or down to our expectations.
- Why I like keeping toys in sets
- The Jesus-centered home-- a 7-post series filled with practical ideas about honoring God in your home with little ones.
- Basic principles about family straight from Scripture.
- Some thoughts on raising, teaching, and training our "little arrows" to honor God.
- A few of the reasons why we homeschool.
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