Thought I'd give you all a break from my trip photos and share with you my two newest items I put on my site yesterday and just some updates.

It has been a busy week here with getting orders out and designing.

When we got home from our shopping trip and unpacked all our goodies, we put it all in the dining room until we could decide what to do with it all so on Friday my husband took all the boxes to the basement, unpacked them and put them on the tables in sections of the same kind of products to make it easiser for me to start pricing them....what a huge help that was! Now comes the hard part - figuring the prices. I am probably cheating myself but I don't do the normal double the amount for retailing.....I double it and then deduct 15-20% for the final price.

I think I do quite well this way in selling most of my products by giving my customers a deal and then I'm not sitting with a huge overstock at the end of the season so it's a win-win situation.

It doesn't look like much but the boxes are several deep - we went to 9 different wholesale shops plus the Wholesale Cash & Carry Show.

I made a 16 inch round mat and Jar Candle Sleeve to match yesterday. I decided to leave off the tabs and pennies this time, why, I don't know....just wanted something different to add to my inventory.

This new design has sheep with a wreath around his neck - a little putsy to work on but it was fun!

I have some new pocket hangings I made yesterday as well and will post them after I get them filled with goodies so check back later.
That's it for now....Karen

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