Okay, I said I'd fill you all in on the Photo Shoot for Country Sampler so sit back and relax.

They got here at 9 a.m. and it was CONTINUOUS from that moment until 7 p.m.

The only break they took was lunch - which I went out for and brought it back for all of us but we had a nice leisurly time sitting around the dining room table just chatting - gosh they were nice.

It was an amazing day and I was so surprised at all the tricks used like this one - the sun was gone from the kitchen side of the house by the time they got there so Michael put a tall light outside beyond the kitchen window and when we viewed the picture on their computer there was the sun shining in and leaving sun light on the cupboard and floor! There was no way to tell this wasn't real sun flowing in the huh?

You see so many times these cute little setups in groupings and think, how do they get these to look just right, well, many items were propped up with anything they could use which won't show in the pictures - like the little foot stool sitting on two Candy Land games for height. I went searching for the right things Pilar could use and walla - the games worked.

They started in the family room and den and at 1:00 when I left get lunch and bring it back, they finished and were heading for the bedroom shoot. After lunch they did the dining room and then the kitchen.

I don't know how many shots they took till they got the ones they wanted but the editor wanted 14 pictures total in the for each of those 14 had approx 5-6 different shots to get the one they were going to use....lots of playing with light, positions, etc.

Pilar was so taken with the kitties she kept trying to get them in the pictures but they weren't going to cooperate until around 6:30 when they were wrapping up - she saw Lola sitting on a table in the screen room and so she took several pictures of her - hopefully one will end up in the magazine.

I took as many pictures as I could when they weren't behind the camera....we tried to stay out of the way although they were very nice letting us get as close as possible to watch and we would run for this or that if they needed a prop or something different in place of something.

There was a lot of take from here, put there.
So here's a small slide show of what they did all day long. I could have taken many photos but they would have been very similar - I imagine they were quite ready to drop by the time they left as well.

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