Shane's Steampunk Apartment

Shane Kruse sent me these pictures of the office and living room in his recently decorated apartment.

I love the framed hanging computer monitor -- I had to look twice to realize that's what it was. The monitor was simple enough, a 19 inch flat panel monitor stripped the plastic framing off and repositioned the power and menu buttons so they are accessible right under the bottom of the frame. I picked up the frame for about $15 at Joann's and got busy with the glue gun.

The lamp is a simple selenite crystal which by itself conducts light very well. I found a rustic style candle lamp at local store cut out the bottom and put in a light with a toggle switch (oh I also put an old AOL CD under it to help reflect more light). Total cost: $35

Mmm. Brass nails!

Most of the stuff I get come from the local transfer site where all sorts of good junk can be found (like the desk actually!). This all go to show that you don't have to weld, refurnish, or put hundreds of hours into steampunk projects, nor must you significantly lighten your pocketbook.

Simple, inexpensive projects, pulled together into a coherent whole. Nicely done! Shane's got a number of other projects planned, so hopefully we'll be hearing from him again.

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