I'm gonna quit apologizing for the length of these posts and just revel in it. Confession time: Hello, my name is Jessica, and I am a link junkie. I LOVE passing on good links and it really lights my fire to see a bunch of out clicks on my sitemeter. So, here we go again. Show & Tell #50 gazillion. ;-)
- Candid Words from a Would-Be Mother
- Celebrating Womanhood- Ideas for delighting in the gift of being a woman
- 20-something reasons to live at home- as a single Christian woman
- JUDGED-- Mary Grace shares her thoughts as a foster mom who *gasp* has used food stamps for her foster son... and the reactions she gets. This one may get you to noticing that big log in your own eyes (ask me how I know!).
- How feminism tore one daughter from her mother
- Older Women Wanted-- Mary Pride's request for moms with know-how to stick around and help younger moms rather than retiring to an empty nest
- Loving Our Kids: Merry hits the nail on the head and gives a simple (but not easy) challenge
- Days Gone By- a brief but eloquent "musing" on children growing older
- Nursing at 13 months- We moms end up feeling bad or guilty for all kinds of things, don't we? (Even good things like breastfeeding our children!)
- Raising Godly Children-- encouragement from Scripture with practical application
- Encouragement for tired moms to PRESS ON!- It's a long interview with Janet Parshall, but well worth reading/listening to!
- Thoughts on sheltering and wisdom- more by my empty-nesting friend, Chloe
- Pill users beware!- Did ya know oral contraceptives may cause abortions?
- Gender selection abortions
- Obama: Babies as punishment
- Infanticide Procedure, step by horrible step: Doctors describe performing partial birth abortions-- Oh, this is not for the faint of heart... but God, help us to read this sort of truth and act, doing all we can on behalf of the unborn.
- Baby survives abortion, expected to live "normal" life-- (hat tip: Dust & Clay)
- Rights Activists IGNORE China's One-Child Policy- "My body, my choice", you'll hear from feminist activists the world over... except when it comes to the horrors that happen in China every day because of their "overpopulation" policy.
- China's aftershocks-- the earthquake served to highlight ethical problems inherent in the system
- "My dear baby, if you can survive, please remember Mom loves you."
- Amish Friendship Bread- From what this says, your friends will thank you. So, should I make up the "starter" batch?
- Homemade White Bread-- for some reason, this looks absolutely delicious to me (and a friend of mine says that it IS!) So I'm linking for you-- but also for me, to motivate me to make it!!! :-)
- Starvation claiming Ethiopia's smallest- Will you consider giving (you can give through adoption agencies and orphanages) and helping provide food for these children?
- What People Eat Around the World- a visual index of food around the world
- CUT DOWN YOUR BLOG READING by learning how to use a "feed reader". DG takes you step by step, so even non-techies can use this!
- A solution for those of you wanting a new blog design! BLOGS FOR A CAUSE - Nikki does blog designs and donates part of the proceeds to charities-- Woohoo!
- Spiritual Gifts-- a six-part sermon series by Mark Driscoll. Probably the most comprehensive and yet comprehensible handling of the spiritual gifts that I've come across. (The link is to Adrian Warnock's blog, who linked all 6 of the sermons in one post-- so you can get them all from there.) Here is a written summary of the sermons.
- How to Waste Your Theological Education-- tips for seminarians and other aspiring theologians... a good gut-check for what you're doing with that "education"
- Sovereignty of God & life transitions- I could echo every one of Mrs. Elliot's words.
- Living with all of the Body: thoughts on age-segregated vs. age-integrated church experiences
- Voddie Baucham talks about "The Family-Integrated Church"
- Sorting books-- deciding which to keep and which to pitch
- Big Thoughts for Little Thinkers: This series looks GREAT for teaching basic doctrine to young children!
- Librivox: Listen to public-domain books in audiobook format for FREE! (Especially helpful for homeschoolers-- you could listen to a classic work while doing other things around the home. Also available as a free podcast.)
- Puritan Library: Challenging Puritan works in e-book format in their entirety online.
- "Dear Person that Googled 'Porn' and Got Me"- I've been shocked to see how many people google porn and end up here at Making Home. Prodigal Jon gives an excellent response to that anonymous reader.
- Women Against Pornography
- Hugh Hefner's Wasted Life-- boy, this one is sad. Sad, sad, sad.
- Engrish.com-- a daily serving of Engrish/Chinglish-- this is what happens to the English language when put on shirts, signs, store windows, and more in China. Having lived in China for a year, I find this particularly hilarious... but you might too. :-) [Note: very occasionally there are off-color items featured... but most of the time, it is both tame and hysterical.]
- What does "crunchy" look like?
- In case you are a young wife/mother/person who has NOT heard about this, it may be helpful. Flylady is a great online resource for cleaning or keeping your house clean. [Now, I should admit: I do not actually use Flylady. I am a Flylady failure... but that is partly because I was not motivated to keep it up when I DID use it, partly because I've lived in more places than I can count in the last few years and have just had to do whatever I could to "make it", and partly because I'm more of a clean-as-you-go and clean-as-the-Spirit-hits-you sort of gal. ;-) But many, MANY of my friends find it helpful. So maybe you will too. Plus I had to include a link that had something to do with the kitchen sink, OK?!?]
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