Big News

Well everyone, I have some really awesome news to share! About a year ago, I got the bug to go to Texas and see what the buzz is all about. I love to read all the blogs that my friend Theresa from Garden Antiques posts about Canton and Round Top. It was definitely on my radar to go there someday and see it firsthand. Well lately I have been getting encouragement from some customers in my shop to venture outside of Florida and try my hand at selling in Texas. And since I have made some really awesome new friends lately who sell there as well, I decided to quit thinking about it and do it.

Long story short, I applied to become a dealer at the Marburger Farms show at Round Top in April and have been accepted! Woohoo! I am extremely excited and will definitely give you all a full report of the experience when I return. And lest I forget, a big thank you goes out to Theresa Smith for her recommendation to Marburger on my behalf, and to Judy Hill for her patience in answering all my questions. Both of these awesome friends are Marburger dealers as well and always do a fab job at bringing really cutting edge antiques to the show and displaying them beautifully!

A final shout-out goes to my friend Theresa Cano for her encouragement, for hooking me up with Theresa and Judy, and for helping me with questions and "concerns" about the show. You are an awesome person "T"! Can't wait to meet you in person!

If you are planning to go to the show in April, please stop by tent H and say hello! I'd love to meet you!


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