Boing Boing TV has a wonderful tour of the Steampunk Treehouse up today. According to one of the creators, it's "what a tree would look like if built by people who had never seen one"
Make sure you watch it through -- the interior shots (I adore the occuli!) are in the second half.
Xeni visits the Steampunk Tree House, a 40+-foot-tall interactive sculpture created by a group of artists in Oakland, CA, and assembled for the first time at Burning Man. More than 60 people helped to create it, and in today's episode, you'll hear from project participants Alan Rorie, Nathaniel Taylor, and David Shulman.
Some design details to watch for:
- Iron (or possibly steel?) scrollwork over the door
- Valve as a flower face
- What feel to me like doorbell surrounds used a miniature frames
- The steam whistle levers remind me of the gear shift in my Dad's dump trucks.
- I love the warning sign: "Please operate the trioperator Delicately. It may Explode" in a genteel script, at an cock-eyed angle.
- The demilune iron balcony is lovely
Original post on Boing Boing TV.
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