ADVICE & ANSWERS: Is Elective Plastic Surgery Allowable for the Christian Woman?

Last week, an anonymous reader wrote in with this question for our consideration:

My body is not what it was before I had kids, obviously, as most other women. I have struggled with getting plastic surgery. Just a little something to lift here and tuck there. It sounds so petty but in the reality of life, it really gets me down. I feel like I cannot please my husband any more because my stomach looks so disgusting, my breasts are so small, and my cellulite, well, let's just not go there. I also have thought about getting something done to fix my acne scars. So do you think this is wrong for a Christian? I would love your readers' opinion and yours also.

So what would you say to this woman? How would you address this issue? Is it clearly right or wrong to have plastic surgery as an elective procedure? What would you say if she was your friend, and could you back up your advice with the Word of God?

Leave your thoughts, comments, and advice, and I'll share my thoughts towards the end of the week (since they were requested). I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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