Here is a list of top-tier EXCELLENT books I would classify as "must reads" for the thinking Christian woman. While it is not a comprehensive list, and I will continue to add to it as I find noteworthy books, these are all books that have been critical in shaping my heart, life, and mind. I pray they will be a blessing in your life as well.
NON-FICTION: Christianity
Knowing Scripture- R.C. Sproul
An excellent book that puts the study of Scripture into terms the average Christian can understand, while motivating and encouraging a love for the Word
Don't Waste Your Life- John Piper
A challenge for each Christian to life a life that matters
Heaven- Randy Alcorn
Don't know what to expect on the other side? This is a balanced and well-written view of what the BIBLE says about Heaven. I loved this book.
Have We No Rights?- Mabel Williamson
This book examines "demanding our rights" in light of Biblical submission, obedience, and sacrifice
Humility- Andrew Murray
A classic Christian work on a much needed topic
Discipline- Elisabeth Elliot
A challenging book, in so many ways. Highly recommended! I wrote about it here.
Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
A Christian apologetics course for the layperson. In this classic Christian book, Lewis lays out the basic whats, whys, and hows of the Christian faith.
NON-FICTION: Womanhood
For Women Only- Shaunti Feldhahn
This easy-to-read book lays out some basic but eye-opening facts about men in a fascinating way. Feldhahn uses studies and research to teach women about six myths and mysteries about men.
Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman- Anne Ortlund
Anne Ortlund gives very practical and biblical advice without being shallow or dull. This collection of three books ranges from discussing your beauty routine to your daily Bible reading, from your dayplanner to your evenings as a family. I love her candor and her wisdom; I think you will too.
Friendships of Women- Dee Brestin
This book is an excellent look at how friendships between women work, how they fail, and what they should look like. I found myself nodding so many times while reading this book- and yet learning so much from her examination of Biblical examples of friendship.
Does Christianity Squash Women?- Rebecca Jones (* currently reading)
So far, this book is the best look at Christian womanhood from a conservative perspective that I've ever read. Highly insightful and intellegent, though thoroughly readable, I am enjoying and giving an early recommendation to this book.
NON-FICTION: Parenting
The Most Important Place on Earth- Robert Wolgemuth
This easy-to-read book gives a glimpse into what a Christian home looks like. Whether you grew up in a Christian home, or grew up in a secular home but are now a Christian parent having to learn as you go, I think anyone can be challenged by the picture presented in this book. Practical and engaging, insightful and full of implementable ideas, this book is a great motivator for any Christian parent!
Hints on Child Training- H. Clay Trumbull (* currently reading)
A father and grandfather of many wrote this book in the 1890's. Humble and immensely practical, it is challenging me towards consistency in the overall aim and themes of parenting.
Preparing Your Son for Every Man's Battle: Arterburn, Stoeker, & Yorkey
This is an excellent book that offers up an alternative to the dreaded "the talk"... a method of discipling one's son in the area of Christian sexuality. (FYI: I thought that the companion book for girls was poorly written and not nearly as helpful as this one written for sons- so I would recommend that every mom - even those moms of daughters- read the book written for sons- to see a practical method for discussing sexuality as children grow older.)
Knowing Scripture- R.C. Sproul
An excellent book that puts the study of Scripture into terms the average Christian can understand, while motivating and encouraging a love for the Word
Don't Waste Your Life- John Piper
A challenge for each Christian to life a life that matters
Heaven- Randy Alcorn
Don't know what to expect on the other side? This is a balanced and well-written view of what the BIBLE says about Heaven. I loved this book.
Have We No Rights?- Mabel Williamson
This book examines "demanding our rights" in light of Biblical submission, obedience, and sacrifice
Humility- Andrew Murray
A classic Christian work on a much needed topic
Discipline- Elisabeth Elliot
A challenging book, in so many ways. Highly recommended! I wrote about it here.
Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
A Christian apologetics course for the layperson. In this classic Christian book, Lewis lays out the basic whats, whys, and hows of the Christian faith.
NON-FICTION: Womanhood
For Women Only- Shaunti Feldhahn
This easy-to-read book lays out some basic but eye-opening facts about men in a fascinating way. Feldhahn uses studies and research to teach women about six myths and mysteries about men.
Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman- Anne Ortlund
Anne Ortlund gives very practical and biblical advice without being shallow or dull. This collection of three books ranges from discussing your beauty routine to your daily Bible reading, from your dayplanner to your evenings as a family. I love her candor and her wisdom; I think you will too.
Friendships of Women- Dee Brestin
This book is an excellent look at how friendships between women work, how they fail, and what they should look like. I found myself nodding so many times while reading this book- and yet learning so much from her examination of Biblical examples of friendship.
Does Christianity Squash Women?- Rebecca Jones (* currently reading)
So far, this book is the best look at Christian womanhood from a conservative perspective that I've ever read. Highly insightful and intellegent, though thoroughly readable, I am enjoying and giving an early recommendation to this book.
NON-FICTION: Parenting
The Most Important Place on Earth- Robert Wolgemuth
This easy-to-read book gives a glimpse into what a Christian home looks like. Whether you grew up in a Christian home, or grew up in a secular home but are now a Christian parent having to learn as you go, I think anyone can be challenged by the picture presented in this book. Practical and engaging, insightful and full of implementable ideas, this book is a great motivator for any Christian parent!
Hints on Child Training- H. Clay Trumbull (* currently reading)
A father and grandfather of many wrote this book in the 1890's. Humble and immensely practical, it is challenging me towards consistency in the overall aim and themes of parenting.
Preparing Your Son for Every Man's Battle: Arterburn, Stoeker, & Yorkey
This is an excellent book that offers up an alternative to the dreaded "the talk"... a method of discipling one's son in the area of Christian sexuality. (FYI: I thought that the companion book for girls was poorly written and not nearly as helpful as this one written for sons- so I would recommend that every mom - even those moms of daughters- read the book written for sons- to see a practical method for discussing sexuality as children grow older.)
Safely Home- Randy Alcorn
A casual American Christian encounters Christianity overseas and it challenges an examination of everything he believes. Aside from the Bible, this is quite possibly the best book I've ever read.
Stepping Heavenward- Elizabeth Prentiss
Redeeming Love- Francine Rivers
A re-telling of the bibical book, Hosea, set in the time of the California gold-rush.
Screwtape Letters- C.S. Lewis
A look at spiritual warfare through the eyes of the enemy- a head demon writes letters to an underling who is assigned to tempt and torment a new Christian. Classic Christian work.
Chronicles of Narnia- C. S. Lewis
These fictional books, recently featured on the silver screen, are a great allegory of the Christian story. Highly recommended for reading aloud to the children! (But you'll love them too- we read these out loud to each other while we were dating... they are very special to us!)
Safely Home- Randy Alcorn
A casual American Christian encounters Christianity overseas and it challenges an examination of everything he believes. Aside from the Bible, this is quite possibly the best book I've ever read.
Stepping Heavenward- Elizabeth Prentiss
Recently read this book- the first post of my two-part review is here. The book is a great story, written through diary entries, of the "working out" of one woman's Christian faith. From her teenage years through marriage, motherhood, and into the final years of life, this book is motivating and insightful.
Redeeming Love- Francine Rivers
A re-telling of the bibical book, Hosea, set in the time of the California gold-rush.
Screwtape Letters- C.S. Lewis
A look at spiritual warfare through the eyes of the enemy- a head demon writes letters to an underling who is assigned to tempt and torment a new Christian. Classic Christian work.
Chronicles of Narnia- C. S. Lewis
These fictional books, recently featured on the silver screen, are a great allegory of the Christian story. Highly recommended for reading aloud to the children! (But you'll love them too- we read these out loud to each other while we were dating... they are very special to us!)
Happy Reading!
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