I've found some interesting articles, all having to do with raising our children or children in general. Look through the list & find one or two to read... you'll be glad you did!
New study finds that religious upbringing is good for kids: for their behavior, self-control, and ability to play with others. (Really just confirming what we already knew, but it's interesting to read their comments.)
"The kids whose parents regularly attended religious services���especially when both parents did so frequently���and talked with their kids about religion were rated by both parents and teachers as having better self-control, social skills and approaches to learning than kids with non-religious parents."
- For those of you who don't like the full-blown Westminster catechism for use with children, here's a children's catechism with simple questions and answers that may be useful for memory work or for family devotion times.
- WHO is this kid and who are his parents? Who are these parents spending upwards of $1 million dollars to raise one child?! Consider this line to see the kind of parenting their talking about: "Parents with more than one kid then face the fiscal phenomenon of upgrading, where baby No. 1 starts with a standard-issue stroller, the middle issue gets an upgrade to a $300 MacLaren and, by the time No. 3 comes around, it is an $879 model by Bugaboo." Who is doing this, other than Kelly Ripa? In my experience, the third child is the one who gets the really threadbare hand-me-downs, plays with the already scratched-up Matchbox cars, and is reading taped-up books.
"...for many families, drawing the line between attentive parenting and extravagance is a tough call; even parents who are relatively strapped will go to great lengths for their children." Read the whole article here.
- Do interracial couples spend more money on their kids? This article says yes, in almost every instance, they do!
- If you think you cook from scratch, think again... read this article to see what "cooking from scratch" really means. This article brought back many memories and feelings about living overseas, as it's written by an American woman living in China.
- Here's a website called "Intentional Parents". I haven't had skads of time to poke around there, but even the chart on their opening page is interesting, examining different kinds of parents.
- Looking for something new to do with your kids? Have them help you make fresh butter at home! (Thanks for the great idea, Isabella!)
- And for those of you who have written lately, asking for more information about "how to" with a large family, here's a link to an article that has lots of links on "guerilla parenting" (parenting with lots of kiddos). AND: here's one woman's tips about how to homeschool with many children.
- And finally, for a sad story about one child, a high school in Fresno, California has allowed a "trans-gendered" teen girl to run for Prom King. It's sad that this even has to be discussed among teens; this ain't your parents Prom!
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