This week's show and tell links all have to do with abortion... please, please, please- choose at least one of these links and read it through. You'll be glad you did.
Time magazine's cover story this week is about crisis pregnancy centers. They now outnumber abortion providers across the nation, but pro-abortion groups are protesting their legality.
This baby, born in her 21st week of gestation, is the youngest baby ever to have survived outside the womb. Now home with mom and dad, it's a scary story for pro-abortionists who would still have women believe that a baby this young is just a blob of tissue, unable to sustain life outside the womb.
Studies now show that the morning-after pill has bamboozled most American women, as 92% of women believe the abortion pill to be safe, and 98% believe it to be effective. Safe and effective for who?
The Tennessee legislature is considering issuing death certificates for aborted babies, in order to have an accurate record of how many children are being killed. There's also word of this being done for miscarried babie as well. Interesting ideas, although I'm not sure of the feasibility.
India has had gender-selection abortions for years now, allowing the preference for boys to create a crisis in which millions of girls are missing from society. The government will now offer special orphanages, where government will "parent" these unwanted girls.
Can you hear the deafening silence surrounding a forced abortion in Italy? If this teenager had been forced to carry a child to term, or forced to get her parents' approval of an abortion she wanted, feminists would be up in arms. Though she desired to have the baby she was carrying, she was forced to have an abortion.
All of these are interesting articles that tackle the issues involved in the ongoing debate over the lives of millions of American babies. I hope you'll take a minute to read one or two of them!
Show & Tell: All About Abortion
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