I Can't Sell It All...

So, one of the biggest perks of being an antiques dealer is finding and keeping fabulous stuff for yourself. Then there is the trade~up benefit as well... You know, when you find something you like a "little" better than something you already have... I call it the rotation factor. Well, as always when I'm in Texas doing the Marburger show I treat myself to some fabulosities cause that's the mecca of such. Here's what I found...

I saw this in my friend Terri's booth (Garden Worthy) and hadn't decided whether to keep it or sell it. By the time we got home it had crossed into the keep column. Then it occurred to me how fab it would be for my growing necklace collection...

This spoke to me immmediately but I resisted. I can't believe it didn't sell. This awesome old "in memorium" piece was in my pal TOT's booth (Time Worn Interiors) and haunted me, if you will, until I had to strike up a deal for it. I'm sure my children will think it creepy if they ever read it but I adore it and am happy that it is now in my possession. Notice all the post-mortem references... Purely accidental...

What, another clock you say? It's an addiction I will cop to all day. This one came from my pal TOT's booth...

I found this little mirror in Warrenton. The patina is off the chain and I encourage you to click on this pic to enlarge and get the full effect.

I also found this cute little ironstone plate that has turned just the right shade of brown in Warrenton along with this wasp nest. Look at the pattern the egg sacks make on it. The seller assured me they are all dead, and so far so good...

I adore this ironstone lid in just the right mottled crazed condition...

I love funky junk. This old iron speaker spoke to me immediately. Isn't it the coolest?

I have looked high and low for a sugar bowl with the lid. Almost impossible to find, ya know? So imagine my delight when I found this one in TOT's booth in brown transferware...

This little wire and metal piece came from Donna and Franklin's booth at Marburger. I am using it cloche~style over a mini white punkin on a fab silver tray in my dining room...

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I adore white pumpkins... They only recently became available here in FL... I loaded up on these baby boo punkins when I saw them at my local grocery store... They are here and there among my treasures... Happy White Wednesday....

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Studying Love - part two

Before my break, I shared the first half of a study some friends and I were doing on the 1 Corinthians 13 "love" passage. I've had several requests to share the second half, so even though I'm not intending to blog for now, here's the rest of the study. :)

Love is not irritable-- [irritable-- capable of being provoked to impatience, anger or displeasure; easily exasperated, annoyed; responsive to stimuli; provokable]

  • Working DEF of "is not irritable": peacefully willing to continually extend forgiveness rather than living in a state of being easily moved to anger, impatience, and frustration.
  • {Cross-refs: Example from David's life-- 2 Sam. 16:5-14, 19:16-23; Examples from Christ-- Matt. 5:23-24, 45-46; Luke 15:11-32; Luke 23:32-49; Christ's forgiveness even on the cross; His compassion on the crowds always pressing for His attention)
Love is not resentful-- [resentful-- full of a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury; counts up wrongdoing]
  • Working DEF of "is not resentful": does not count up wrongs against others based on my own perceptions; instead, looks to the standard of Christ's forgiveness and willingness to love even people who treated Him poorly
  • {Cross-refs: same as above; this particular facilitator just gave us broad stories/examples}
***One story was shared that was enlightening for these last two points. It comes from the life of John Hyde (a.k.a. "Praying Hyde"). He said, basically, that we should imagine if we were to walk into a master craftsman's workshop and look around. This craftsman's work was known far and wide as durable, beautiful, and highly valued. But as we look around the shop, we'd clearly see pieces of furniture in various stages of progress and wouldn't be surprised. In fact, we'd be the foolish ones to look around and begin criticizing each piece... "look at this one; it just looks like a lump of wood!"... "this piece isn't even straight! What a lousy piece of work!" ... "this chair looks OK, but when you touch it, the arms and seat are splintery and sharp; no one could ever use it!" The point is, that's what we are doing when we look around and get irritable and resentful towards the people around us when, in fact, we are all just works in progress in the workshop of the Everlasting God.

Love rejoices not in iniquity-- [iniquity: wrongdoing, evil, violence, injustice, rebellion, perversity, missing the mark, unrighteousness... rejoicing in the sins of others]
  • A challenge from Jonathan Edwards on this subject: "Do you carry with you, habitually, a dread of sin? Do you not only mourn and humble yourself for sins that are past, but have you a dread of sin for the future? And do you dread it because in itself it is evil, and so hurtful to your own soul, and offensive to God? Do you dread it as a terrible enemy? ... Do you stand on your watch against it?"
  • Working DEF: guards against and hates sin, in myself and others, wherever it is found.
  • Cross-refs: {1 John 1:9; Job 34:10, 32; Job 24:32; Job 36:10; Ps 32:2; Ps 51:1-2; Ps 53:1}
Love rejoices in the truth-- clings to that which is reliable, sure, stable, faithful; holds to divine instruction, true doctrine
  • Working DEF: delights and rejoices in God, His Word, and His ways
  • Cross-refs: {Ps 19:7-11; Deut 32:4; Ps 51:6; Ps 57:10; John 1:14, 17; John 8:32, 44; John 14:6}
Love bears all things-- "covers all things quietly" (Grk #4722), a word related to the Latin toga, english deck/thatch. To cover, protect, cover with silence, endure, bear. "Puts up with all sorts of things" -R. Picirilli; "contains oneself in silence from giving vent"; extending kindness to others as we extend it to ourselves -- C. S. Lewis
  • Working DEF: love silently covers the offensive or hurtful and opts for forgiveness, peace, and kindness.
  • Cross-refs: {Prov 17:9; Ps 68:19-20; Prov 10:12; Prov 11:13; Jere 10:10; Nahum 1:7; Romans 3:23-25; Eph 4:1-3; Col 3:12-13}
Love believes all things-- believes in an ethical sense; confidence in the goodness of men; to have confidence/trust; not distrustful/suspicious; not quick to give up; freely loving without cynicism; "unsuspiciously believes what is not provably false"
  • Challenging thoughts from various commentators: Love "prefers to put confidence in people, to believe the best, and give them the benefit of the doubt" ~R. Picirilli; "In doubtful cases, he will prefer being too generous in his conclusions to suspecting another unjustly" ~Robertson/Plummer; "Love trusts in the redeemable possibilities of others" ~Orr-Walther.
  • Working DEF: unless and until known otherwise, tenaciously and unsuspiciously believes the best
  • Cross-refs: {Prov. 12:16, Prov 3:29, Prov 11:21, Prov 15:3, Prov 19:5} Examples: Ruth, Melanie Wilkes
Love hopes all things-- expect with confidence, anticipate with pleasure, joy, and assurance; confidently expects restoration, reconciliation, etc... even in times of trouble
  • Working DEF: joyfully anticipates what God will do in all people and situations encountered
  • Cross-refs: {Ps 38:15; Jer 23:16; 1 John 3:2-3; Rom 8:19-24; Luke 19:5-10; Luke 15:11-32; Luke 7:37-39, 44-50}
Love endures all things-- perseveres, to remain, have fortitude, abide, not recede or flee, bear bravely and calmly, patiently suffer
  • Working DEF: doesn't give up and keeps eternity in mind
  • Cross-refs: {1 Chron 16:34; Ps 100:5; Ps 138:8; Ps 145:13; Matt 10:22; Matt 13:21; 1 Peter 1:25; James 5:11} Other examples: Job, Joseph, Ruth, Paul, Jesus
Love never fails-- never ends, perpetual, long-term, offers grace and love at every opportunity
  • Working DEF: long-term; offers sure, steadfast love at every opportunity
  • Cross-refs: {Deut 4:31; 1 Kings 8:56; Ps 38:10; James 2:10; Habakkuk 3:17-19}

I hope this is as helpful and challenging for some of you as it has been for my friends and I. Truly, we can never live up to this standard of love; but with God all things are possible. And certainly, with the help and conviction of the Holy Spirit, we can all grow in this area.

Many blessings to all of you... and may God continue to draw you deeper and deeper into His LOVE.

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Hi everyone...well, I'm in Valley Forge, PA right now - and no camera!
It has been such a busy week heading into Milwaukee to see Darren and then leaving yesterday for out here.

Doug and I got all packed up in the morning and then stopped at Kohl's to pick up some Henley shirts for Darren to fit over his neck brace and then were going to head on up to see him before heading out...well we got a call from MaryAnn that he was going to be released in an hour!
It takes an hour just to get there and we needed to check out yet so I will say it was a quick run through the line and on the road.

Amazing that he was released so soon...dr. said he looked good and that his attitude is so positive and it was okay to leave.

His only real problem right now is the lack of use of his right arm...lots of nerves and muscles were pushed aside to get to the vertebra so there is bound to be some slowness - it's not uncommon anyway...but he can't lift it up but about 6-7 inches and can't grasp utensils well. Therapy will improve it. But that's all the side affects he got out of it thank goodness.  Oh, the blood clot between the lungs and esophagus will dissolve so that pressure is lessening for him.

So after hugs and kisses Doug and I were on our way around 2:30. We decided to break up the 15 hour trip in two days instead of the one day like normal. And we're glad we did...IT RAINED FROM THE TIME WE LEFT OUR HOUSE AND IS STILL RAINING.
When we were trying to find our hotel it was raining so hard you couldn't see and the streets were flooding...haven't seen this much rain in a long time.

Tomorrow morning we're going to the Cash & Carry Buyers show and then we head on into Lancaster for 2-3 days.

Guess I won't have pictures with no camera...I forgot several items this time. Guess I had a few things on my mind! lol

So here I have posted a few in a row with no pretties!
When I get home I promise I will try and find something of interest and fun.

Have a great week everyone and I'll try and get on your blogs soon.

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Happy Anniversary T!!!

My sweet friend T of Garden Antqs Vintage fame is celebrating the anniversary of her first post! And she's hosting another of her famous parties!! Go on over and get in on the fun! Tell her Sweet Pea sent ya!!

Thanks T for being such an inspiration to everyone in blogland!! You are a treasure!!



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Evening everyone....I haven't been on much again lately because of orders but most of all because our oldest son, Darren - daddy to Aidan, had some very serious surgery today.

I don't know what the procedure was called but he had the top three vertebra fused together.
For a very long time now his arm has been almost numb and he has constant headaches...final word was he needed surgery.

After getting in there today they did more scraping than they thought they would do and also there was a huge bone spur (Calcium deposit) in the way as well.

They went in from the left front and moved EVERYTHING to the right side to work on the vertebra - the nerves were being severely pinched and a couple years down the line or sooner it could have caused paralysis.

They took him up at 10:30 - he went into surgery at a little after 11 and came down to his room in the Neuro ICU unit at 3:15.

He's a hurting fella but morphine is helping him. He thought he would be able to come home tomorrow (yeah, right!) but they said at least 4-5 days. Tomorrow he may get out of ICU if there's no bleeding to be found.

So that's where we spent our entire day. We just got home and are pooped. I pray he gets a good nights rest although the solid neck brace that he is wearing and has to wear for the next 5 weeks may cause more distress than he wants.

Then depending on his progress Doug and I are supposed to be heading for Pennsylvania either Friday or Saturday for the Wholesale Show on Sunday...so I won't be around much this coming weekend and part of the week.

I know I haven't been too exciting lately....I'm even disappointing myself! lol

I just might get a picture of my snowman pillow on tomorrow if I get a chance to take a picture.

Hugs to all!

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Okay all you White Wednesday fans, hold on to your hats... It's the one and only Judy Hill... Judy Hill always puts together a phenomenal booth at Marburger... I love her style... I love how she mixes rustic and funky with drop~dead gorgeous... I just plain love her... Click HERE to see her blog.

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Friends and Family

So it isn't all about the antiques at the Texas shows ya'll...It's a little slice of time when we get to see our dear friends and even make some new ones...

What did your mother tell you about that, Lauri?

Lovely Donna who sells with her hubby Franklin at Marburger.

There's Franklin now...

Somebody call security~~she's makin' a break for it... Oh wait~~it's TOT!

TOT and I wishing ourselves luck.


Lisa (La Rustique Market), Teresa (Garden Antqs Vintage) and I in my booth...

Cat Daddy and a lovely prom attendee in all their finest...

The divine Ms. Deb...

Elvis was at the prom with a couple of honeys...

The infamous Dakota and Mr. Sweet Pea...

I spent the entire time yacking it up with Melanie of Seed Box Antiques.

Cat Daddy, moi, and Lady Deb...

Jon (French Vanilla) and Ludmil (Willow Nest) in a deep discussion...

Busted! Judy Hill and the lovely Ashley Ferguson who keeps the Marburger show running smoothly...

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Anyone who knows me well, knows that I adore the clothing from Magnolia Pearl. I do believe that the pieces Robin designed for the Fall show were my favs to date. I went to the show with a budget in mind to spend on new pieces, and well let's just say that plan had to be abandoned... The pantaloons with the old-fashioned trap door are to die for, and I love love the pieces I got in the gorgeous shade of chocolate brown. I will live in these pieces for sure.

As always their booth was jaw-dropping... Details like you've never seen... And Robin and John? The sweetest, most genuine people you will ever meet...

Love you both...

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This has been a very busy week sewing and getting orders out and now I’m sewing items for my HOME SHOW.
I have 6 round Penny Mats cut out and almost finished along with some adorable Snowman Pillows (which I have to take a picture of and then I’ll post it).

Doug headed on a delivery to PA yesterday so it’s just me, the needle and two kitties.

Saturday we went to a craft show at our two grandchildren’s grade school and it really was a nice one  - NOTHING PRIMITIVE OR COUNTRY but the crafters still had some very nice items. I did find one booth that had VERY LITTLE FOR PRIMITIVES and so I picked up one of the items. They are tart melts but different than ones I’ve seen before so I just had to get them…you know how that is, right???
They were $10.00 for 12. Oh, the scent is Creme Brule – yummmmy.

TartMelts1    TartMelts

Boy, when I don’t get out of the house and just sew not much happens for me to post! lol

So with that I will say HI TO EVERYONE and I will visit everyone eventually!


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Pillow Talk

One of my favorite things to bring to the Marburger show this time was a fab selection of burlap pillow slipcovers from Petit Coterie. Michelle does fabulous work and the pillows were a hot item. She also sells on etsy if you'd like to check her out. Thanks Michelle, you rock the burlap world...

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